Criminal Background Check Requirement

All Degree/Certificate Students at the MGH Institute of Health Professions are required to complete a Criminal Background check before the first day of your matriculation. The MGH Institute uses HireRight, the Partners HealthCare provider of extensive background checks, to complete this process. The HireRight Criminal Background check will include the following:

  • Criminal Felony & Misdemeanor (7 years, unlimited counties as revealed by SSN trace)
  • Social Security Number Trace
  • Social Security Number Validation
  • Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  • National Sex Offender Search

Newly admitted students will also be required to complete a Massachusetts CORI check as well.

A CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) is a person's criminal history. You will have a Massachusetts CORI if you have ever been charged with a crime in a state or federal court in Massachusetts, whether your case ended with a conviction, a finding of not guilty, charges were dismissed, or another outcome.

Should either of the two background check procedures yield information that shows a student has engaged in conduct that could subject the student to being disqualified from engaging in certain activities, the Institute reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action against the student, up to and including dismissal.

Students may find that they are unable to begin a precepted clinical placement until an additional background and/or CORI check is completed by the facility to which a student is assigned.  Background checks may be performed each time an individual has an affiliation with a different facility.  Students are individually responsible for the cost of these additional background checks if required by the clinical site. 

[Policy reviewed Sept. 2017]