
Intimidation creates an educational or professional environment that a reasonable person would find psychologically intimidating or threatening, or abusive; regardless of whether the behavior may affect a person's psychological or physical well-being.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  1. An act of physical aggression, such as an assault or attempted assault on another student, faculty member, staff, patient or visitor.
  2. Threats – Words/texts or actions that either create a perception there may be intent to harm a person or property or that result in harm or similar consequences.

Other prohibited activity:

  1. Use or possession of explosives, firearms or other weapons on IHP property or property connected to IHP educational or professional experiences.
  2. Deliberate destruction or theft of SON or IHP property, or the property of others.
  3. Stalking - Willfully, maliciously and repeatedly following or harassing another student, faculty member, staff, patient or visitor, whether on or off IHP premises.