Independent Study Courses

Supplemental coursework may include Independent Study course(s) of variable credit (1-6 credits). Courses can be taken either for a letter grade or Pass/Fail. Independent Study courses are approved work with a mentor on a project outside of a regularly scheduled course or program of research. If you plan to complete an Independent Study as part of your approved supplemental coursework, you must first submit an Independent Study Agreement Form for Director/Associate Director approval. This Form includes the faculty member who will supervise, the title, rationale, description, objectives, plan of approach, resource materials required, evaluation methods and number of credits of the Independent Study. Once approved, the IHP Registrar will register you for a section of RS-990. Note: the supervising faculty for an Independent Study must be a faculty member within the IHP PhD program (generally the Academic Advisor or the Associate Director). Students may work with a faculty member outside of the IHP for an Independent Study, but the supervision and grading of the Independent Study must be completed by an IHP PhD faculty member. When completing the Independent Study Agreement Form, please list an IHP PhD Faculty member (either your Academic Advisor or the Associate Director under ‘Faculty Name’. This person will be responsible for entering a grade at the end of the term. A course taken at an outside institution is NOT considered an Independent Study (see section on Transfer Courses).