Professional Behavior

Trainees are expected to demonstrate professional behavior in all courses and research experiencesProfessional behaviors will be assessed as part of all courses and research experiencesThe trainee’s Course Instructor, Research Mentor, Faculty Advisor, or other PhD RS Faculty member will document problems that arise in professional or ethical behavior and provide documentation to the Director/Associate Director


10.1 Code of Ethics

Trainees are expected to adhere to the principles delineated in whatever Codes of Ethics are relevant to them as professionals.


10.2 Academic Integrity

As one of the components of professional and ethical behavior, academic integrity is a very serious matter.  In academic matters, mutual responsibility between faculty and trainees requires cooperation and trust in maintaining the ideals and spirit of academic and professional integrityEach trainee is responsible for doing their own workAny trainee who witnesses or has reason to suspect an incident of cheating or plagiarism has an ethical and professional obligation to report it to a faculty memberAny trainee suspected of cheating or of failing to report academic dishonesty, will be reported to the Program Director/Associate Director and may be subject to disciplinary action as specified in the Institute Catalog.


All trainees and faculty will sign a form, acknowledging review of the “Policy on Academic Integrity,” as a condition of enrollmentFor more information, see the “Academic Integrity” section under Trainees’ Rights and Responsibilities in the Institute Catalog.


10.3 Disciplinary Actions

When behaviors do not meet acceptable standards, depending on the nature and severity of the infraction and the setting within which it occurs, one or more of the following actions may be taken at the discretion of the Faculty of the Program.


10.3.1 Academic Setting

In the academic setting, course faculty or the Research Mentor will notify the trainee about inappropriate behaviors with a written warningIf inappropriate behaviors are cited on subsequent occasions, faculty may choose to bring the issue to the attention of the Director, who will determine if the issue warrants Executive Committee review. If so, an Academic Review Committee can be appointed, which will be comprised of Executive Committee members and/or other IHP faculty. The Academic Review Committee may provide guidance for the trainee to improve professionalism and/or academic performance in the program; require certain remedial actions for the trainee to complete as a contingency to passing a course, exam, or continuing in the program; or terminate the trainee from the program due to unacceptable conduct or performance in academic or research lab settings. 


10.3.2 Lowered Grade

A trainee may receive a lowered grade or a failing grade in a course if there is documentation of inappropriate professional behaviors or violations of professional conductThe trainee will have an academic review meeting to determine the appropriateness of this grade lowering.


10.3.3 Termination of Trainee Enrollment

The Program may terminate a trainee because of unacceptable conduct, following due process, and written notification and documentation of the infractionTrainees have the right to initiate grievance procedures for disciplinary action, according to the processes delineated in the Institute Catalog.


10.3.4 Further Information

Further information on guidelines for conduct and procedures related to disciplinary action are delineated in the Institute Catalog.


10.4 Laptop Computer Use during Class

The Institute has a policy requiring all trainees to have their own laptop computers. Trainees may bring their laptops to class and may be required to do so by the instructor. All use of laptops during class periods should be related to the in-class course activities. Use of laptops while in class for activities such as reading e-mail or accessing social media sites that are unrelated to class activities is considered a violation of professional behavior standards and may be subject to disciplinary action by the program.