Academic Requirements

3.1 Program of Study (see Appendix 1)




3.1.1 Core Coursework

All trainees must take 9 required core courses (total of 33 credits) and pass each course with C or higher grade. Trainees must maintain a cumulative B (3.0) average in the Core Courses and Supplemental Coursework (see Section 3.2.2). The core courses include an introductory course on basic concepts in rehabilitation science, three courses on research design and statistics, a course on the use and interpretation of measurement approaches, and a course on basic principles of pedagogy and scientific dissemination. In addition, trainees are required to register in each of the first 6 terms (Fall,  Spring, Summer; first 2 years) for HRS-960, an Interdisciplinary Seminar in Rehabilitation Sciences in which ongoing research (by current trainees, faculty, and invited speakers),  and professional development topics, including grantsmanship, will be presented and discussed. Year 1 and 2 trainees are required to present their research once a year during the Interdisciplinary Seminar and may be asked to introduce an invited speaker. Following Year 2, trainees are encouraged to continue to contribute to and attend the Interdisciplinary Seminar as part of the RS-997 and RS-998 Continuing Trainee courses. Trainees are also required to complete a minimum of 6 credits of mentored research experiences (up to 3 credits in a semester; typically completed during the summer semesters of the first and second years). Trainees may take up to 3 additional credits of mentored research experiences with their mentor, for a total of 9 credits. During these mentored research experiences, trainees will focus on conducting research under the direction of their Research Mentor. Lastly, trainees will enroll for one term in a 1-3 credit mentored Teaching Practicum connected to a graduate course in their clinical specialty, typically at the IHP. Trainees who enroll in less than 3 credits of teaching practicum will enroll in an additional semester of mentored research experiences of 1-2 credits to achieve 3 credits across the two courses. Waivers of Required Courses

In general, required courses may not be waived or transferred in from courses previously taken at other institutions. However, trainees may petition to waive a course if they can document that they have met the objectives of a required course in prior experiences or coursework (that was not taken as part of another acquired degree)For example, the Teaching Practicum course may be waived by petitioning and providing documentation showing the trainee has met all the course objectives in prior teaching practice or experiences. Trainees must submit a Course Replacement Petition Form, typically within the first semester of the program. The decision to accept or deny the waiver petition will be made by the Executive Committee. Interdisciplinary Research Seminar (HRS-960)

Interdisciplinary Research Seminar is a one-hour weekly seminar held throughout the duration of the program. Seminars will include professional development topics and research presentations from IHP faculty, rehabilitation researchers based outside of the IHP, and IHP PhD trainees. The aims of the seminar are: 1) to expose trainees to a variety of current research topics and research designs in rehabilitation sciences; 2) to provide an opportunity for trainees to share their research with the IHP community; 3) to support and provide feedback to trainees as they develop their own research skills; 4) to provide a supportive environment for trainees to hone dissemination/presentation skills; 5) to provide a forum for and model respectful scholarly discussions, and 6) to provide training in professional development. Trainees must demonstrate consistent performance in each of the requirements including regular attendance, presenting an update on their own research on an annual basis, introducing guest speakers & facilitating discussions as assigned, and asking questions/ participating in discussions. Trainee presentations are intended to be research/training progress updates and could include a review of the current state-of-the-art in a research area, proposed research questions and designs (including potential grant proposals), status of their ongoing research, and/or preliminary or final results of an investigation. The Seminar course is graded on a pass/fail basis.


During the first two years of the program, trainees are required to register, attend in person, and actively participate in the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar (HRS- 960).


Following Year 2, trainees are strongly encouraged to regularly participate in Seminar as part of their ongoing training, and as part of RS-997 and RS-998 Continuing Trainee courses. The expectation is that 3rd and 4th year trainees will present in Seminar at least once before they defend their dissertation and that they continue to enrich our scholarly community by sharing their knowledge and experiences, contributing to discussions, and leading professional development initiatives during Seminar. Seminar is a key forum for building knowledge and skills central to the role of a researcher: thinking critically about interdisciplinary rehabilitation science, asking informed questions, engaging in professional scholarly dialog, recognizing and applying effective presentation skills, embracing opportunities for collaboration, and applying learned skills to advance scholarly work. Mentored Experience in Research (RS-970)

During Years 1 and 2 of the program (typically in each of the summers), all trainees complete a Mentored Experience in Research (RS-970, up to 3 credits per semester), which involves working on research project(s) under the direction of a Research Mentor. In preparation for each semester of RS-970 enrollment, trainees and Research Mentors develop Mentored Experience in Research objectives (goals) and expected deliverables and submit these to the Associate Director/Director via FormstackObjectives will reflect or be aligned with the general research area/direction that the trainee is planning to pursue for their dissertation. The research experience schedule should be negotiated with the Research Mentor and reflect the number of credits assigned to the experience (18 hours a week for 3 credits, 12 hours per week for 2 credits and 6 hours a week for 1 credit). The expectation is for trainees to meet regularly with the Research Mentor to set interim goals and evaluate progress. At the end of the term, Research Mentors are asked to report the trainees’ progress toward research objectives and provide a grade (Pass/Fail) to the Associate Director/Director. Mentored Experience in Research objectives and the work associated with meeting objectives are distinct from Independent Studies (RS-990). Objectives for these two credit courses do not overlap Teaching Practicum (RS-951)

Following completion of the Foundation of Pedagogy and Scientific Dissemination course (HRS-950), trainees complete a 1-3-credit Teaching Practicum (RS-951). This course provides mentored teaching experience. Trainees are paired with an experienced teaching mentor in their field of expertise (typically an IHP faculty member) and participate in their mentor’s course in activities such as developing the syllabus and instructional materials, teaching selected session(s) of the course, and preparing and grading assessments and discussions. The RS-951 Practicum Coordinator (typically the Associate Director) supports trainees in identifying an appropriate course/mentor and guides the development of the Teaching Practicum Contract, which outlines the practicum plan and objectives. RS-951 has two types of objectives: 1) objectives relevant to every trainee, and 2) individualized objectives unique to each trainee. Each trainee, in consultation with the practicum mentor, the RS-951 Practicum Coordinator, and the faculty/research advisors, develops 4-5 individualized objectives to be met in the teaching practicum. Trainees should be in contact with the Practicum Coordinator after completing HRS-950 to solidify a plan. Trainees typically complete Teaching Practicum within a year of finishing HRS-950. Trainees are expected to attend course sessions across the semester (for 3 credits, at least two hours per week over a 14-week semester onsite or the equivalent commitment for a shorter, intensive or online course). To ensure adequate time for research, the time commitment for Teaching Practicum should not exceed the equivalent of 6 hours per week across a 14-week semester (84 hours). RS-951 is managed through D2L. Please see the course syllabus for additional information and for time commitment associated with 1 and 2 credits.



3.1.2 Supplemental Coursework

Each trainee will work closely with their Research Mentor to create a customized plan of study that will enable the trainee to acquire the additional skills and knowledge to conduct research in their area of interest. The PhD RS department keeps a working list of common courses used by past trainees. The equivalent of 9 credits (3 regular term courses) is the minimum requirement for the supplemental coursework, but the actual number of courses/credits can exceed this minimum and will be determined for each individual trainee in consultation with their advising team. Supplemental coursework may include selected courses at other institutions in the Boston area, as well as specifically designed/focused Independent Studies (RS-990, see next section) with faculty members (typically not the trainee’s mentor) who have expertise in the area(s) of interest. Trainees may also take up to 3 additional credits of mentored research experience with their mentor to supplement their course work. Independent studies and mentored research experiences can comprise up to 3 credits of supplemental coursework; at least 6 credits should be from graduate level courses at outside institutions or within the IHP. Typical graduate level coursework from outside institutions includes higher level statistics, research design, and methods courses with content that builds on or complements core PhD RS coursework. An introductory scientific writing course or similar level course may not be used toward supplemental coursework. Approval of the Executive Committee is needed for more than 3 credits of independent study or mentored research experiences to be used toward supplemental coursework. An initial Supplemental Coursework Form (template available on the PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Teams ) is completed in collaboration with the Research Mentor and submitted to the Program for review and feedback, typically before the end of the second semester of study (Spring of Year 1). All supplemental coursework can be taken for letter grade or as Pass/Fail. Revisions to the initial supplemental coursework plan draft with resubmission may be requested by the Program to ensure a robust training plan. Once approved, the Plan can be updated as needed in collaboration with the advising team and the Associate Director/Director. A revised Supplemental Coursework Plan detailing changes from the original plan and the rationale for changes should be submitted via the Supplemental Course Plan Submission Form. If courses are taken outside of institutions with which the IHP has course sharing agreements, the cost of tuition will be the responsibility of the trainee (see Transfer courses). A final, approved Supplemental Coursework Form should be submitted with the Qualifying Exam Preparation Form to support readiness for completing the Qualifying Exam. If a trainee has a Faculty Advisor, they may be helpful in suggesting appropriate coursework. Independent study courses (RS-990): Supplemental coursework may include up to 3 credits of Independent Study course(s) of variable credit (1-3 credits). Credits will be determined based on IHP standards: 1 credit = 1 hr/wk (15 hours per term) personal contact time, with an additional 2 hours/wk (30 hours per term) out of class time; 2 credits = 2 hrs/wk (30 hours per term) personal contact time, with an additional 4 hours/wk (60 hrs/term) out of class time; 3 credits = 3 hrs/wk (45 hours per term) personal contact time, with an additional 6 hrs/wk (90 hrs per term) out of class time. Courses can be taken either for a letter grade or Pass/Fail. Independent Study courses are approved work with a faculty member (typically not the trainee’s Research Mentor) on a project outside of a regularly scheduled course or program of research. If you plan to complete an Independent Study as part of your approved supplemental coursework, you must first submit an Independent Study Agreement Form for Director/Associate Director approval. This Form includes the faculty member who will supervise, the title, rationale, description, objectives, plan of approach, resource materials required, evaluation methods and number of credits of the Independent Study. Once approved, the IHP Registrar will register you for a section of RS-990. Note: the supervising faculty for an Independent Study must be a faculty member within the IHP PhD program. Trainees may work with a secondary research mentor or faculty member outside of the IHP for an Independent Study, but the supervision and grading of the Independent Study will be completed by the Associate Director. When completing the Independent Study Agreement Form, please list an IHP PhD Faculty member (the IHP faculty member overseeing your independent study, or the Associate Director) under ‘Faculty Name’. This person will be responsible for entering a grade at the end of the term. A course taken at an outside institution is NOT considered an Independent Study (see section on Transfer Courses). Transfer courses: Supplemental coursework may include transfer courses taken at an outside institution. Use of transfer courses requires approval by the Research Mentor, Faculty Advisor (if assigned), and the Associate Director/Executive Committee. If you plan to take a transfer course, you must register for IHP transfer credits for the semester in which the course will be taken and complete a PhD Transfer Course Request Form for Associate Director review and approval before the course begins. This review will include a determination of the number of IHP credits to be awarded, which must be whole numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4). The PhD Transfer Course Request Form requires a recent syllabus to be uploaded. Transfer courses may be taken for a letter grade or as Pass/Fail. At the completion of the coursework, you must have the grade sent directly to the IHP Registrar for recording on your official transcript. Transfer courses are distinct from Independent Study courses (see section on Independent Study Courses). The IHP Rehabilitation Sciences PhD Program has formal course sharing agreements with the Harvard School of Public Health (Fall and Spring terms) and the Harvard Graduate School of Education which enable IHP PhD RS trainees to take pre-approved courses at these institutions without paying tuition. Professional Education courses are not included in tuition-waived programs. Please refer to the PhD RS Teams page for additional instructions about registration


Upon completion of a transfer course, trainees must communicate with the outside institution at which the course was taken to ensure a formal transcript or grade report is delivered to the IHP Registrar. For courses taken at the Harvard School of Public Health, their registrar will send grades directly to the IHP Registrar (as they do not provide transcripts to cross-registrants). In this case, trainees must follow up with the IHP Registrar to confirm the grade has been received and update the Associate Director that a grade has been filed. 


Trainees may petition that up to 6 credits of previously completed, relevant coursework be transferred in as supplemental coursework, provided: 1) the coursework did not count toward another degree; and 2) the coursework was completed within the preceding 5 years. The petition for transfer credit must first be approved by the Program’s Executive Committee and then filed through the Registrar’s Office - it must include a transcript showing the completed course(s) with a grade of “Pass” or B or higher. Submit a Course Replacement Form to transfer in course credits as supplemental coursework or to replace core curriculum. 


3.1.3 Ongoing Involvement in Research 

In addition to the mentored research experiences (6-9 total credits), trainees are also expected to be continuously involved in discussing, planning, and conducting research with their Research Mentor throughout the entire program. Such ongoing participation in research should begin as soon as the trainee starts the program and will serve as the basis for their required presentation each year at the weekly Research Seminar. Ultimately this ongoing involvement in research will lead to planning and conducting the studies comprising the trainee’s dissertation. Trainees typically engage with their Research Mentor weekly/biweekly to fully engage in the trainee’s emerging area of research/Research Mentor’s program of research.

As trainees consider offers from other IHP faculty to engage in additional opportunities (e.g., teaching, part-time work, etc.), trainees should consult with their Research Mentor and Faculty Advisor (if assigned) to ensure that they are able to balance the workload and be fully committed to their existing coursework and research obligations. 


3.1.4 Qualifying Examination for Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree: After completing the Core Curriculum (including Supplemental Coursework; RS-951 Teaching Practicum can be scheduled to occur or in progress), each trainee must pass a Qualifying Examination before being considered a candidate for the doctoral degree and being permitted to complete the dissertation phase of the program. The Qualifying Examination is administered individually to each PhD trainee by a committee (Qualifying Examination Committee) comprised of Program Faculty members, with content or methodological expert members as needed. It is expected that trainees will complete the Qualifying Examination process by the end of the Fall term of their third year in the program. If the exam is not completed by the end of Spring term of their 3rd year the trainee must petition the Executive Committee to delay the exam using the Request to Delay Qualifying Exam Form. The petition should indicate the reason for the delay, a plan and timeline for achieving the milestone, and confirmation that the research mentor approves the delay plan. Submitted petitions will be copied to the Research Mentor and Faculty Advisor. Purpose of the Qualifying Examination

The purpose of the Qualifying Examination is for the PhD trainee to demonstrate that they have adequate knowledge and research skills to complete a high-quality dissertation project in their chosen area of interest. The examination process will assess a trainee’s: 1) ability to integrate and apply concepts covered in the program’s core courses; 2) depth of knowledge in their chosen area of research interest;  3) ability to justify study design choices, and 4) readiness to complete the design and execution of a novel dissertation project that has the potential to produce useful new information. Successful completion of the Qualifying Exam indicates the trainee is ready to move on to the dissertation phase of the program.


The topics covered in the Qualifying Examination may overlap with the trainee’s dissertation (this is expected), but the exam does not replace the need for the trainee to prepare the dissertation prospectus, and obtain approval for it, from their Dissertation Committee (see 3.1.6. Dissertation). The focus of the Qualifying Examination should not be on specifics of improving the project, as this is not the trainee’s dissertation plan, but rather on the trainee’s ability to defend the logic behind the proposal Qualifying Examination Committee

A Qualifying Examination Committee composed of a minimum of three members is chosen for each trainee. The Research Mentor proposes members to the Executive Committee using the Qualifying Exam - Committee Proposal and Planning Form. Proposed members will have advanced research training (e.g., PhD, ScD) and relevant content expertise, and will have agreed to serve. The committee should include members who have not had a primary role in the development of the trainee’s research proposal. Committee members may be PhD RS Faculty (minimum of 2 required), or faculty at other institutions. The Research Mentor does not serve on the Qualifying Exam Committee. An experienced PhD RS Faculty person serves as the Qualifying Exam Committee Chair to facilitate uniformity in the examination process.


Qualifying Exam Chair responsibilities: 

Pre-Qualifying Exam 


  • Working with the trainee and committee members to schedule the exam (3-hour block) and send calendar invites, including the PhD RS Program calendar ( If a room is needed, contact the Program Manager to reserve.

  • Confirm that Exam procedures and expectations have been sent to the Committee by the PhD Program via email ahead of the Exam.



During Qualifying Exam


  • Facilitate the exam meeting, communicating expectations and directing the questioning

  • Keep time, take notes, end the meeting, and dismiss the trainee for committee discussion period

  • Direct the committee discussion, call for a vote, bring trainee back

  • Relay exam outcome, outline contingencies and follow up plan, if needed. Solicit trainee questions. 



Post-Qualifying Exam


  • Collect committee members/ written comments and submit Exam Result Report form

  • Ensure trainee’s Research Mentor receives Exam feedback and answer questions. Hold a face-to-face meeting with the Research Mentor if the trainee has contingencies. 




Qualifying Exam Committee member responsibilities

Pre-Qualifying Exam 


  • Work with the committee and trainee to schedule a 3-hour block of time for the exam. 

  • Review the exam procedures and expectations sent by the PhD Program via email ahead of the Exam.

  • Review the trainee’s written proposal, submitted two weeks ahead of the scheduled exam, critique, and develop questions about the proposal based on your area(s) of expertise.


During Qualifying Exam


  • Attend the exam meeting, pose questions to the trainee, discuss proposal strengths and weaknesses with the committee, vote on outcome, and provide written feedback to the Chair to be compiled and communicated to the trainee.
 Scheduling the Qualifying Examination

Trainees should work with their Research Mentor to determine when they are ready to proceed with their qualifying examination. The Research Mentor and trainee identify potential Qualifying Exam committee members, and the trainee or mentor asks potential members if willing and able to serve. The Research Mentor then completes the Qualifying Exam - Committee Proposal and Planning Form to notify the Executive Committee of trainee readiness and propose committee members who have agreed to serve on the examination committee. This submission includes a status report on the trainee’s supplemental coursework (courses planned and completed) and an abstract that describes/summarizes the written component of the examination. The abstract is based on the Project Summary format provided as part of an NIH grant application (see below). The Executive Committee will use this information to finalize the examination committee. After the Qualifying Examination Committee is confirmed, the trainee coordinates examination scheduling with the committee. A 3-hour time block should be scheduled to allow time for trainee presentation, Q&A, committee deliberation, and trainee feedback. The Program Manager can assist with room reservations once a date and time have been identified. The trainee should send an Outlook calendar invite to all committee members, copying the PhD RS Program calendar ( to place on the program’s master calendar. The program will communicate exam procedures and expectations to the committee via email ahead of the Exam (send Qualifying Exam sections of this manual for reference).


The written part of the examination must be distributed to the Examination Committee members a minimum of two weeks prior to the date for the oral part of the examination, or on a timeline agreed to by the trainee and committee members. The examination should not exceed three hours.


Abstract (500 words or less): The abstract or Project Summary is meant to serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work when separated from the application. State the application’s broad, long-term objectives and specific aims, referring to the health relatedness of the project. Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals. This section should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and insofar as possible understandable to a scientifically or technically literate reader. Avoid describing past accomplishments and the use of the first person. Format of the Qualifying Examination

The Qualifying Examination includes a written and an oral component. The written component is based on the format for the Research Plan in an NIH grant application as shown below (other parts of the NIH application are not included). Use Arial 11 pt. font with required margins: 0.5” top and 0.5” for all others. Of note, this proposal may or may not be directly related to the trainee’s actual dissertation plan.


  1. Specific Aims (1 page): 

  1. State concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcome(s), including the impact that the results of the proposed research will exert on the research field(s) involved. 

  1. List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed, e.g., to test a stated hypothesis, create a novel design, solve a specific problem, challenge an existing paradigm or clinical practice, address a critical barrier to progress in the field, or develop new technology

  1. Research Strategy (6 pages – not counting bibliography/references): Organize the Research Strategy in the specified order and using the instructions provided below. Start each section with the appropriate section heading – Significance, Innovation, Approach. Cite published experimental details in the Research Strategy section and provide the full reference in the Bibliography and References Cited section. 

  1. Significance

  1. Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses. 

  1. Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice in one or more broad fields.

  1. Describe how the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved. 

  1. Innovation


  1. Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms.

  1. Describe any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.

  1. Explain any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.

  1. Approach

  1. Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. 

  1. Discuss potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success anticipated to achieve the aims.

  1. If the project is in the early stages of development, describe any strategy to establish feasibility, and address the management of any high-risk aspects of the proposed work.




  1. Bibliography & References Cited: Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Research Plan. Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication; you can use “et al.” convention in place of listing all authors in a citation), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Make sure that only bibliographic citations are included. Be especially careful to follow scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the application.




(Note: If a proposal has multiple Specific Aims, then the trainee may address Significance, Innovation and Approach for each Specific Aim individually, or may address Significance, Innovation and Approach for all the Specific Aims collectively. As applicable, also include the information about preliminary studies as part of the Research Strategy, keeping within the three sections listed above: Significance, Innovation, and Approach.)


The oral component of the Qualifying Examination entails (with time estimates):


  • A detailed oral presentation with slides (35-40 minutes) of the research the trainee has proposed in the written part of the examination (NIH R03 Research Plan) to the Qualifying Examination Committee  

  • Committee questions (60-90 minutes). Questions will pertain to the research proposal and may include pertinent background information from the core curriculum and supplemental coursework.

  • Private committee discussion to evaluate the Qualifying Exam, trainee not present (10-20 minutes). See

  • Committee decision, including a summary of the basis for the decision, shared with trainee. Contingencies and plan for meeting contingencies outlined, if relevant. (10-20 min) Evaluation of Qualifying Examination Performance

Both the written and oral components of the Qualifying examination will be assessed in determining the trainee’s performance. It is acknowledged that the trainee may have received considerable assistance from research mentors/advisors with the written part of the exam because of the program’s emphasis on having trainees submit proposals for funding to support their research. Both the written and oral components must be passed for successful completion of the examination.


The Qualifying Examination outcome/result is based on the committee majority vote and will be one of the following: (1) Pass, no contingencies, (2) Conditional pass with contingencies, (3) Fail with retake recommended, 4) Fail. Trainees who receive a Conditional pass with contingencies will receive written communication from the Committee Chair outlining contingencies (e.g., additional coursework, assignments, etc.) and a timeline for completion. Trainees who Fail with retake recommended will receive written communication from the Committee Chair with a rationale for the decision and an Incomplete grade for RS-997. They will be expected to develop and submit a remediation plan in collaboration with their mentor and advisor (if assigned) for Executive Committee approval. Trainees who retake the exam and do not pass and trainees who Fail on their first exam without a recommendation to retake will receive written communication from the committee chair detailing the rationale for the grade, will receive a Fail grade for RS-997, and will be dismissed from the PhD program.


The Chair of the Examination Committee is responsible for compiling committee feedback and communicating in writing the outcome of the examination via the Exam Result Report Form, which will distribute copies of the report to the trainee, the Director/Associate Director, the trainee’s Research Mentor and Faculty Advisor (if assigned), and additional committee members. The report should summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the exam, provide feedback (concerns, suggestions, etc.) about the research presented by the trainee that could potentially be useful in improving the trainee’s dissertation and identify contingencies/additional training needs to move ahead to the dissertation phase.  


Petitions can be submitted to the PhD Executive committee to request the following:

1. Trainees who receive a conditional pass with contingencies and require an extension on the due date must submit a petition to the dissertation committee/EC detailing the rationale for an extension and propose an alternative due date. The grade on RS-997 will be Incomplete until revisions are deemed satisfactory by the exam committee and approved by the executive committee.

2. Trainees who Fail the qualifying exam can petition for the Master of Science Degree Option (see section

3. Trainees who Fail the qualifying exam without a recommendation to retake may petition the Executive Committee to retake the exam. The Director/Associate Director will respond in writing to relay if the petition is approved or denied. If a petition to retake following a Fail grade is denied, the trainee will be dismissed from the PhD program. Trainees may not petition to retake an exam more than once.


3.1.5 Compliance with Regulations on the Use of Human Subjects

Oversight of human studies is provided by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Mass General Brigham (MGB) HealthcareAll research studies involving human subjects must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of MGB Healthcare. 


Human subject research training must be completed prior to submitting an IRB application. This training must be renewed every three years. The IRB will require documentation that the training has been completed before approval of projects can be obtained. All training will be administered through HealthStream. Instructions for completing training can be found here.


3.1.6 Prospectus and Dissertation Phase

Once the trainee has passed the Qualifying Exam, they become a doctoral candidate. Doctoral candidates should continue to use their previous credentials and avoid use of PhD(c) in signatures, presentations, or publications. The dissertation must represent novel research by the doctoral candidate that is carried out during their doctoral program and designed to advance knowledge in a topic area. It is organized around a series of manuscripts (at least three) submitted to peer-reviewed journals for publication before the Dissertation Defense. The manuscripts do not have to be accepted for publication to be included in the dissertation. A complete version of the dissertation must be successfully presented and defended orally before a Dissertation Committee comprised of faculty with expertise in areas related to the dissertation topic. Dissertation Defenses are open presentations for the public and the PhD RS community; PhD RS trainees are expected to attend Dissertation Committee

The Dissertation Committee is responsible for overseeing the trainee’s completion of the dissertation process including approving the prospectus (including decisions about which manuscripts to include in the dissertation), periodic review of progress, and final approval/acceptance of the dissertation following the oral defense. The Committee is comprised of: 1) a Chairperson (generally a senior Rehab Science faculty member),  who is responsible for facilitating meetings, periodically informing the Executive Committee of the trainee’s progress/performance, and ensuring that all policies and procedures are followed; 2) the trainee’s Research Mentor, who bears primary responsibility for overseeing and mentoring/advising the trainee during the dissertation process but does not serve as Dissertation Committee Chair; and 3) at least one other member with expertise related to the dissertation research topic. Except for the Committee Chair, the Dissertation Committee can include members who do not have an affiliation with MGH-IHP and can have more than three members when additional expertise is needed. However, a majority of the Committee members should hold regular or adjunct faculty appointments at the IHP.


See Dissertation Chair Expectations below in Prospectus and Dissertation Processes


Trainees should work with their Research Mentor to determine when they are ready to proceed with their prospectus meeting. The Research Mentor should inquire about the willingness of potential committee members to serve, then complete the Prospectus Meeting Preparation Form to notify the Executive Committee and propose appropriate faculty members who have agreed to serve on the Dissertation Committee. After a Dissertation Committee is approved by the Executive Committee, the trainee and Chairperson will coordinate the scheduling of the prospectus meeting with assistance from trainee and Program Manager.



  1. Prospectus and Dissertation Processes  



The prospectus and dissertation process proceeds in three steps: 1) Preparation of the Prospectus document, 2) the Prospectus Meeting with the Dissertation Committee and candidate, and 3) the Dissertation Defense. Preparation of the Prospectus document: The Prospectus Meeting should occur as soon as possible after passing the Qualifying Examination, typically within one semester and no later than the end of the 3rd year of study. Delay in prospectus meeting can be petitioned to the Executive Committee. 

Trainees are encouraged to publish their research throughout their program, even before the prospectus meetings. Inclusion of a maximum of two previously published manuscripts in the dissertation is permitted, contingent on their approval during the Prospectus Meeting by the Dissertation Committee. Dissertations manuscripts are held to a high standard and, in some cases, may not be approved by the Dissertation Committee. Therefore, it is strongly advised that trainees, their mentors and advisors (if different from mentors) discuss dissertation manuscript strategies and advancements regularly and update the Executive Committee on the plan and progress annually. By the time of the Prospectus Meeting, the third dissertation manuscript should only be in its initial planning stages. This strategic timing allows the Committee to offer meaningful input and feedback on the study design.

The trainee, in consultation with their Research Mentor, prepares the Prospectus document. This document features the initial draft of Chapter 1 (please see Dissertation Format guidelines provided below), copies of completed or currently submitted manuscripts that are planned to be integrated into the dissertation, as well as a background section and comprehensive description of the research methods/statistical plans proposed for the in progress and/or forthcoming study or studies. A table that summarizes each of the three projects, the status of completion for each project/manuscript (including journal where submitted/accepted, when relevant), and the importance of each to the field of study should be included at the end of Chapter 1 to orient the readers. Prospectus Meeting with the dissertation committee and candidate: The goal of the prospectus meeting is for the trainee to defend/support the rationale, purpose, methods, and hypotheses, as well as the potential impact of the outcomes of the proposed project/s. Ultimately, the committee's purpose is to help optimize the project/s, keeping in mind appropriate rigor and scale. The prospectus meeting provides an opportunity for the trainee to receive feedback about both conceptual and methodological issues involved in the proposed research prior to executing or completing the project/s to improve the research and ensure appropriate scope. The approved prospectus becomes an agreement between the trainee and the committee on the work that will be performed. There are semesterly updates on project progress.


The trainee distributes the prospectus document to their Dissertation Committee and submits to the Program via Formstack. Then the trainee and Chair of the Dissertation Committee schedule the Prospectus Meeting with the entire Committee (a 3-hour block) to occur at least two weeks after the distribution of the prospectus document. The Program should be copied on the Prospectus Meeting calendar invite ( for tracking purposes


At the Prospectus Meeting the trainee gives an oral presentation based on the prospectus document and answers questions raised by the Committee about the proposed work. Typically, the presentation is 35-40 minutes, followed by ample time for questions and discussion (60-90 minutes). After the questions and discussion period, the committee dismisses the trainee to collate feedback and deliberate on the prospectus meeting outcome. 


The Committee decides if modifications need to be made to the proposed work and documents needed changes as requirements for the dissertation research to proceed. The Chair of the Dissertation Committee is responsible for reporting the outcome of the prospectus meeting via the Prospectus Result Report Form which will distribute copies of the report to the trainee, the Director/Associate Director, and committee members. Prospectus meeting outcome options are: (1) Pass, no contingencies, (2) Conditional pass with contingencies, or (3) Prospectus does not meet expectations. Trainees who receive a Conditional pass with contingencies will receive written communication from the committee Chair detailing the rationale for the decision, required contingencies (e.g., statistical consultation, changes to the proposed plan, modifications to the prospectus documents), a proposed due date, and an Incomplete grade for RS-998. Should the trainee require an extension on the contingency due date, the trainee must submit a petition detailing the rationale for an extension and a proposed alternative due date. The Director/Associate Director will respond in writing to note if the petition is approved or denied. Trainees for whom the prospectus does not meet expectations will receive written communication from the committee chair detailing the rationale for the decision and an Incomplete grade for RS-998. Trainees can petition the Executive Committee for permission to schedule an additional prospectus meeting after developing a plan to address the committee’s concerns and getting approval from the dissertation committee to move ahead. Trainees must submit their plan within one semester of the prospectus meeting to pass RS 998 and continue dissertation work. The Director/Associate Director will respond in writing to note if the petition is approved or denied by the EC.


Once the Prospectus is approved and the dissertation is underway the trainee must:

  1. Meet at least once a year with members of the Executive Committee for the Dissertation Progress Meeting to briefly describe and discuss their progress. The purpose of the meeting is to support trainee progress toward the dissertation defense and identify challenges/barriers to progress. Prior to this meeting, trainees must provide a written summary (not to exceed 500 words) of their progress since the last meeting and submit it via the Dissertation Progress Meeting: Summary Submission During the meeting, trainees will have 5-6 minutes to present 3-5 slides outlining their timeline, progress, and challenges encountered.

  1. Provide a formal update to their dissertation committee every term. The update should include a report of progress made since the last update, problems encountered, planned changes/modifications to the research plan (must be approved by the committee), and plans for the next term. It is strongly recommended that this be done in person with the committee at least 1/year. A detailed written report to the committee can be substituted when a face-to-face meeting with the committee does not occur. The Dissertation Defense: When the trainee has completed or is in the final stage of completion of Dissertation Requirements (see Format and Requirements for the Dissertation), the Chair of the Dissertation Committee initiates scheduling of the Dissertation Defense by submitting the Dissertation Defense Plan Form. Trainees should aim to complete this form no less than 6 weeks before the proposed defense date. This form will trigger a room request inquiry and date/time confirmation. The Chair and Research Mentor are responsible for ensuring that the 3 manuscripts have been submitted for publication prior to the Dissertation Defense. In some cases, the trainee may petition the Executive Committee that one of the manuscripts be completed but not submitted to a journal prior to the Dissertation Defense. The Request to defend with one paper to be submitted should be submitted at least 3 weeks before the scheduled defense and include a strong rationale for conducting the defense prior to submission of the third manuscript and an expected timeline for completion. The Research Mentor should send a statement of support to the Program Director/Associate Director via email providing additional information and context. The Executive Committee will review and decide on the petition. The complete dissertation document (and approved petition, if relevant) should be distributed to the Committee at least two weeks before the scheduled oral defense


The Dissertation Defense includes a public and private session. The public session is open to the community and consists of the trainee giving an oral presentation (typically 40-45 minutes) about the dissertation and a brief period for community questions (typically 15 minutes). The private session occurs after the public session and involves the trainee fielding questions from the Dissertation Committee in a closed meeting (typically 60-90 minutes).


After the oral defense is completed, the Dissertation Committee holds a private session without the trainee present, (typically 10-15 minutes) to decide by majority vote if the trainee has successfully fulfilled the dissertation requirements or if additional steps must be taken. When a decision has been reached, the trainee returns, and the committee reports its decision. Responsibilities of the Chair during the Prospectus, Post-Prospectus, and Dissertation Phases are detailed in the next section.

Dissertation Committee Chair responsibilities: 

Prospectus stage 


  • Schedule the Prospectus Meeting in collaboration with the trainee and committee. Have trainee send calendar invite to the committee and, and confirm room reservation with the Program Manager. 

  • Prior to the Prospectus Meeting, ensure the trainee distributes a prospectus document to the Committee (at least two weeks before the scheduled defense)

  • Confirm that the committee has received standard guidance email from the PhD Program in advance of the meeting.

  • Facilitate the Prospectus Meeting. Direct the process and keep time during question/discussion period. End the questioning, dismiss the trainee, facilitate committee deliberations, call for the vote, and bring the trainee back to relay Prospectus defense outcome.

  • Compile Committee’s written Prospectus feedback, summarize any follow up steps or contingencies if needed, and complete the Exam Results Report Form




Post-Prospectus stage 


  • Between the Prospectus and Dissertation Defense, ensure the trainee is making progress and provide regular updates to the Committee each semester (or facilitate the trainee providing updates)



Dissertation Defense stage 


  • Initiate scheduling of the Dissertation Defense by submitting the Dissertation Defense Plan Form. Have the trainee poll committee members to identify potential defense dates and communicate with the Program Manager to confirm availability of suitable room(s). Have the trainee send an Outlook calendar invite to the committee and to Aim to schedule at least 6 weeks in advance to allow scheduling and advertising.


  • Prior to the Dissertation Defense, confirm that the 3 manuscripts have been submitted for publication, or that a petition to defend with one outstanding submission has been granted by the EC.

  • Ensure a complete dissertation document is distributed to the Committee (at least two weeks before the scheduled Dissertation Defense)

  • Confirm that procedures and expectations for the Exam have been sent to the committee by the PhD Program in advance of the exam.

  • Launch the public Dissertation Defense by introducing the trainee and conveying the session plan, reminding the committee to save questions for the private session. Facilitate the public question and answer session

  • Convene and facilitate questioning during the private meeting with trainee and committee.

  • End the private meeting, dismiss the trainee, facilitate committee discussion, call for the vote, bring trainee back to relay outcome.

  • Compile committee’s written feedback, summarize any follow up steps or contingencies if needed, and complete the Exam Result Report Form

  • Instruct trainee in final steps for submission of Dissertation Document here, with signature page as detailed in the Final Submission section of below



Dissertation Committee member responsibilities


Prospectus stage 


  • Work with the committee and trainee to schedule a 3-hour block of time for the prospectus. 

  • Review the prospectus procedures and expectations sent by the PhD Program via email ahead of the Prospectus.

  • Review the trainee’s prospectus, submitted two weeks ahead of the scheduled date, critique, and develop questions and feedback based on your area(s) of expertise.

  • Attend the prospectus meeting, pose questions to the trainee, discuss the dissertation plan’s strengths and weaknesses with the committee, provide verbal and written feedback to be compiled by the Chair and communicated to the trainee, and vote on outcome.

  • Provide guidance to the trainee within your area(s) of expertise as needed to support the dissertation plan.
 Format and Requirements for the Dissertation

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA; the most recent edition) should be consulted for format guidelines. The dissertation will consist of an Introduction (Chapter 1), a minimum of three manuscripts (Chapters 2, 3, 4; at least two manuscripts must be data-based), Conclusions and Future Directions (Chapter 5), References, and Appendices (when appropriate)Each of these components is described below. For formatting examples of past dissertation documents, see the Example Dissertation Docs folder the PhD Rehab Sciences Trainee and Faculty Teams channel.


CHAPTER 1: Chapter 1 consists of an introduction to the entire scope of the dissertation. The introduction should contain a clear and precise statement of the purpose of the entire group of manuscripts in relation to a theoretically based overarching area of research. A description of the significance and need for the research conducted for the dissertation should be included in this chapter. A table that outlines the purpose of each manuscript “chapter”, and its contribution to new knowledge should be included. Example dissertation documents are available in the Trainee and Faculty Teams channel files


CHAPTERS 2, 3, 4: The core of the dissertation is a series of three manuscripts (one manuscript per chapter) that represent work completed during the trainee’s PhD program. Each manuscript chapter should stand alone as a significant contribution that has been submitted to a peer-reviewed research journal with a review process that includes responding to reviewers’ critiques. Each manuscript chapter must have a cover page that includes the paper title, a statement of each author’s contributions, funding acknowledgements, submission history (dates for initial submission, revision/resubmission, final disposition, etc. as applicable), and full citation (including DOI and PMID if applicable) if the manuscript has been published. Reprints of papers that have already been published should not be included in the dissertation document.


Chapter 5: In this final chapter, the trainee should succinctly summarize and integrate all the findings from all of the studies that were conducted for the dissertation, including overall strengths and weaknesses/limitations of the research. This section should end with specific conclusions based on the entire body of work that was carried out and provide suggestions for future research. 



References to the literature should be confined to those sources cited in the prior chapters (all references in the manuscripts do not need to be listed). The purpose of listing references is to make it possible for readers, especially committee members, to locate the references to determine accuracy.



Appendices should include copies of consent forms for human subjects research, pertinent communications, copies of interview guides, protocols, measurement instruments, pre-registrations, and other documents directly relevant to the study that is the basis for the dissertation. If it seems desirable to present tabulated raw data or detailed descriptions or techniques or methodologies that are additional to the chapters in the dissertation, these materials should be included as an appendix.



An electronic version of the final dissertation document, including a signature page, must be submitted to the PhD Program using the Dissertation Document Submission Form. Copies of the final title, abstract and signature pages must be submitted to the IHP Registrar.  


3.1.7 Curriculum Outline 

Additional information about the curriculum and the Program of Study for the first two 

years are in Appendix 1.


3.2 Degree Requirements


3.2.1 Timeline for Completion

All work, including completion and successful defense of the dissertation, must 

be completed within five years of entry into the program. Request for Extension

Trainees may request an extension of the program beyond this five-year limit by petitioning the Executive CommitteeTrainees should follow the petition procedure as outlined in section 11.1 of this ManualA majority vote by the Program Executive Committee is required for extension approvalThe trainee will receive an email from the registrar about approval/denial of the extension petition. Master of Science Degree Option

A trainee may be considered for a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences without passing the Qualifying Examination.  A trainee has the option to withdraw from the qualifying process and request consideration for a terminal master’s degree via written requests to the Program Director. Terminating the program and receiving a master’s degree is a possible option only after satisfactory completion of all coursework, teaching practicum, and research experiences that are required in the first two years of the program.


3.2.2 Academic Standing Policies Required minimum GPA: Trainees must maintain a cumulative B (3.0) average in the Core Courses and Supplemental CourseworkIf this standard is not met, the trainee will be issued an academic warning in writing by the Program Director and placed on academic probationA trainee given an academic warning must regain a cumulative 3.0 GPA within the next semester, or s/he will be subject to dismissalFor more information, see the Institute Catalog for “Satisfactory Academic Progress/Academic Standing” under the Grading Policy. Pass/Fail: The weekly Research Seminar and all mentored experiences in teaching and research will be assessed on a pass-fail basis. Some supplemental courses may also be assessed on a pass-fail basis if agreed to by the course instructor and approved as part of the trainee’s Supplemental Coursework Plan. Qualifying Examination: Trainees must pass the Qualifying Examination to be eligible to continue to the Dissertation phase. See Section 3.1.4 Incompletes

A trainee who does not complete all requirements for a course may arrange with the instructor(s) for a temporary grade of incomplete. Trainees must complete all course requirements to change an incomplete grade according to the timeline agreed upon by the instructor(s), which is usually within a few days or weeks.  The time to finish an incomplete may not exceed two calendar years from the date of the request. If a trainee does not complete the required work within the stipulated time period, the grade will automatically change to a "Fail". Permission from the instructor(s) will be required for extension of time for completion.


For more information, see the Institute Catalog for “Incompletes” under the Grading Policy.



3.3 Grade Equivalents








93 & above


























Below 60


See the MGH Institute Catalog for more information on grades.


3.4   Commencement 

Trainees who have completed all degree requirements during a given academic year or will complete during the summer term following the Institute’s May ceremony are eligible to participate in Commencement, provided:

1. There is agreement between the trainee, the Research Mentor, and the Dissertation Committee Chairperson that all degree requirements will be met by the Institute’s August deadline for completion of dissertation requirements for September diploma, found in the published Academic Calendars.

2. They have received approval to participate from the Executive Committee. Official graduation dates can be found here:

3. A summer dissertation defense date has been scheduled. The date must be scheduled in the Program calendar by May 1st and planned to occur at least one week before the August degree completion deadline to allow time for final document filing. 


Trainees slated for graduation will be asked to provide the title of their dissertations to the PhD RS Program (for publication in the Commencement Program), typically by the first month of the calendar year (January) in which they will graduate. The Program Award Ceremony, honoring graduates, is typically held the week before Commencement. Trainees who have completed all degree requirements before the May Awards Ceremony will be honored at the ceremony; trainees who plan to defend and complete degree requirements the subsequent summer will be recognized for “nearly complete” status and honored at the Awards Ceremony the following Academic Year