Course Evaluations


8.1 Purpose of Course Evaluations

Trainee input is a valuable component of curriculum evaluation. Course evaluations are used by the department faculty as part of curriculum evaluation, to assess course effectiveness, and to guide revisions to courses and the overall Program. These evaluations are also used as part of faculty assessment and are included in faculty dossiers for reappointment and promotionConstructive feedback assists the program’s ongoing development of individual courses and the curriculum. Trainees are encouraged to provide ongoing feedback to course coordinators, their mentors/advisors, and Program leadership.  


8.2 Formal Course Evaluations

Trainee input is sought on a formal basis at the end of each term for evaluation of courses and the course instructor. A standard format dictated by the Institute is used for each evaluation.   Trainees are requested to complete evaluations toward the end of the semester. All standardized responses will be tallied into percent response. This information is forwarded to the Program Director/Associate Director and then to the course instructor. The course instructor never sees the evaluations until after the grades have been submitted for that term.