Secondary Education, M.A.T.

NCE offers two ways to earn the Secondary Education, M.A.T. and a Professional Educator License:

In both versions of the M.A.T., candidates must choose one of the following disciplines:

  • Biological Science
  • English/Language Arts
  • Foreign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Science
  • Social Studies

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The PLOs for the Secondary Education M.A.T. vary by the area of concentration according to the standards set by the professional organization for each content area.  Below are the guidelines that govern the PLOs across all concentrations. 

  • Designing high impact, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate learning environments that facilitate rigorous content-rich, inquiry-based, collaborative instructional practices.
  • Engaging with diverse cultural and community contexts to advocate for policies and practices that help to improve educational experiences for students
  • Contributing to their ongoing personal and professional development in their respective fields
  • Reflect critically to develop their professional identity as an educator.