Policy on NLU Property

Students are accountable for the care of any facility used by the University and for the property of the University and its students. Acts of vandalism, such as damage or destruction of property owned by the University or its students are prohibited. Theft of any kind, including seizing, receiving, or concealing property with the knowledge that it has been stolen, is forbidden. Sale or possession of property without the owner’s permission is also prohibited. Repair or replacement costs and/or disciplinary action will result when damage, liability, loss, or theft occurs. The University further reserves the right to contact local authorities to address those acts that are in violation of the law.

Fire and Fire Safety

No fires or open flames are permitted on University property or in any facility operated by the University. Staff and faculty are obliged to immediately stop any such use and report the event through the Incident Report form at nl.edu/letusknow.

Students are to cooperate fully whenever a fire alarm is sounded and proceed to fire exits quickly and calmly. Failure to cooperate with University or fire department personnel will result in disciplinary action.

Please be advised false activation of a fire alarm is a crime, which is vigorously prosecuted as a felony. Law enforcement considers these offenses to be serious as they represent the potential for serious injury during an evacuation and diversion of critical fire department personnel. The University does not tolerate or excuse intentional discharge of the fire alarm stations on its properties. National Louis University will prosecute, to the fullest extent allowed by law, anyone found making or causing a false activation of the fire alarms. Further, it will take disciplinary actions against such individuals, up to and including, dismissal from the University. Punishment for conviction of false fire alarm activation includes significant monetary fines and felony imprisonment with terms as long as 3 years.