LSE - Learning Sciences in Education

LSE 401 Google Certified Educator Level 1

The Google Certified Educator Level 1 course helps participants utilize Google tools in classrooms to transform lessons through technology integration. Level 1 certification focuses on enhancing professional growth and leadership, increasing efficiency, and fostering student learning and creativity. Participants will validate their existing usage of G Suite applications, master/refine usage of lesser-known G Suite applications, and increase their chances of passing the Level 1 Certification Exam. Participants will dialogue about meaningful use of G Suite applications and instructional technology in teaching and learning, and use various technology tools in both live online and synchronous learning environments. Participants will receive hands-on training advice and coaching from a Google Certified Trainer. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 quarter hour


LSE 500 Introduction to the Learning Sciences and Technology

The focus of this course is understanding the role and application of the learning sciences in designing powerful learning experiences and environments using digital technologies. Major topics include teaching, learning and assessment in digitally-mediated learning environments including theories of learning and socio-cultural influences, human-computer interaction and visual tools for representing teaching and learning processes. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None 3 semester hours


LSE 501 Creating Safe Schools

This course explores strategies for creating and maintaining safe schools. Participants examine evidence-based research that addresses conditions that lead to safe and unsafe schools. Participants explore ways of assessing and monitoring school safety and preventing school violence, including but not limited to gender-based violence, bullying, aggression against school personnel, and school rampages. Participants learn how to mobilize student diversity, classroom pedagogy, strategies for student cognitive and social engagement, classroom management and community building, interdependent school organizational networks, familial support, peer-involved mediation activities, and restorative justice practices to create safe learning spaces for P-12 students. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 502 Baseline Seminar in the Learning Sciences

The course introduces program candidates in Learning Sciences Education to the overall LSE field of study, including the program’s four themes of (1) Social Emotional Learning in Sociocultural Contexts; (2) Cognition; (3) Design; and (4) Digital Learning Applications. The course builds the candidates’ foundational knowledge of ISTE standards for Students and Educators and provides an introduction to ISTE standards for Education Leaders. Students will begin to work on a project-based learning assignment that integrates their specialty and the Learning Sciences. This project will be continued throughout the program, especially in LSE 555 and LSE 597. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LSE 505 Data Literacy

This course enables school professionals to learn and apply key principles of data literacy, including data discovery and location, evaluating data quality, collecting and organizing data, evaluating and interpreting data, presenting data to an audience in multimodal formats, and applying principles of data-driven decision making. Participants will learn how to use data to ask vital questions, think critically, and problem solve about issues that occur in school contexts. Evaluating data-driven decisions and using data-driven decisions to craft policy, as well as data literacy ethics, will be addressed. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s) None. 3 semester hours


LSE 511 Human Learning and Development in Instructional Contexts

Candidates examine research-based principles, concepts, and educational practices supporting human learning and development in school contexts. This examination includes opportunities to apply concepts to teaching and learning scenarios in P-12 classrooms by analyzing case examples or video segments representing learning principles or core practices that promote student learning and healthy, productive classroom communities. Topics include cognitive and metacognitive learning, social-emotional learning, role of context and culture in the learning process, effective classroom environments, assessment, and teacher professional learning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 semester hours


LSE 520 Introduction to Design-based Research

In this course, candidates explore various types of educational inquiry methods and design-based research in formal and informal educational settings. Design-Based Research is an iterative process used to examine the processes and outcomes of teaching, learning and interventions and to inform theory and practice. Candidates collect and evaluate their own data to understand their instructional and/or professional practices on teaching and learning. Working collaboratively and/or independently on projects and assignments, candidates learn different approaches to research design, data collection and analysis. Candidates engage in a small scale site-based project, or its equivalent, to acquire practical skills of researching and evaluating educational phenomena. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 525 Designing Digital Age Learning Environments

This course is about understanding digitally-mediated 21st century learning environments and how to effectively design learner-centered experiences using digital tools and contexts. Candidates will consider digital tools and frameworks of various modes of learning, including blended and online learning, digital games, simulations, mobile technologies and augmented reality. Building upon their knowledge of instructional technologies, teaching and learning, candidates will be engaged and challenged to design activities using digital media and digital environments. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500, LSE 535. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 530 Designing Learning Experiences: Cognition in Socio-Cultural Contexts

The purpose of this course is to help students develop a strong foundation in the Learning Sciences, specifically in relation to social-emotional, cognitive and the socio-cultural context of learning. Candidates will examine theory and research that have informed our understanding of individual learning and the effects of social context of learning. The course will primarily focus on the questions surrounding how people learn, how culture and context affect learning, and the affordances and constraints on design for learning. For example, what are the effects of poverty on individual learning for the 21st century, and what are the influences on teaching and learning? Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500 Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 532 Visionary Leadership for Digital Learning Contexts

This course focuses on technology planning in educational settings. Topics include tools and strategies for effective technology planning for growth and improvement in student learning outcomes. Candidates will conduct all aspects of the planning process, including needs assessment, research, technology procurement, change management, and professional development. Candidates will discuss the issues related to leadership in strategic planning for technology, including developing a shared vision, curriculum planning, change management, program development, and evaluation at the school and district level. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 535. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 535 Instructional Design Foundations for Digital Age Learning Environments

This course is an introduction to instructional design and technology integration theories to create engaging learning experiences and environments for digital age. The major components of instructional design and development models will be presented, with an emphasis on applying technology to instruction and learning. Additionally, this course focuses upon research based digital tools and instructional technology trends to support active learning. Candidates will implement the design process to develop technology-infused instruction and learning. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500 or permission of the Program Director. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LSE 540 Social Emotional Learning in Cultural Contexts

The course is designed to examine the need for social and emotional learning (SEL) and behavioral supports that are sensitive to diverse cultural, linguistic and economic environments and the influence of culture on student’s emotions and behavior in school settings. The course focuses on promoting school-wide and classroom practices to promote positive social emotional skills in a way that integrates students’ culture and language, promotes community, and enhances both academic and behavioral student outcomes. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 541 Cognition and Instruction

In this course candidates deepen and extend their teaching practice through an examination of contemporary research on student cognition and learning in domains central to their practice. The focus is on how students acquire knowledge and skill within academic disciplines and the nature of the learning environment that supports their academic growth. Course materials emphasize metacognitive learning and the role representational tools such as concept mapping can play in the learning process. Emphasis is also placed upon assessments for learning and their potential to foster self-directed learning. Pre-requisite(s): Human Development Course and/or Introductory Educational Psychology course; or consent of instructor. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 semester hours


LSE 542 Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment

In this course candidates plan, design, create and evaluate digital materials, tools and resources for teaching, learning and assessment in educational settings. Topics include the creation and use of resources using web development tools, participation in global online collaborative communities, instructional design of technology-based experiences for effective student learning and engagement, as well as assessment for student learning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 555 Mid-Point Seminar in the Learning Sciences

The course supports Learning Science Education candidates with a formative mid-program examination and assessment of candidates’ progress in pursuit of their degree objectives and content base in the program’s four themes of (1) Social Emotional Learning in Sociocultural Contexts; (2) Cognition; (3) Design; and (4) Digital Learning Applications. The course advances candidates’ knowledge of ISTE standards for Students, Educators and Education Leaders. Students continue work on a project-based learning assignment started in CIC 502, integrating knowledge in their specialty and the Learning Sciences. This project will be continued throughout the program, culminating in LSE 597. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 502. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LSE 575 Leading Learning Technologies and Instructional Design with Shared Vision

This course prepares candidates to lead professional learning communities and activities for excellence in designing purposeful digital age teaching and learning. Topics include developing a shared vision of technology use, identifying and designing resources to build technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), as well as effective planning, implementing and evaluating professional learning experiences related to learning technologies. Candidates will explore best practices in coaching and professional development models, apply skills in conducting professional learning development, and critique/reflect upon practice. Each candidate is to complete at least 15 hours of clinical experiences. Pre-requisite(s): Twelve hours of TIE coursework. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 583 Workshop/Technology in Education/Contemporary Issues

This course will examine and evaluate contemporary issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in research, theory and/or policy. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LSE 584 Workshop/Technology in Education/Curriculum Materials

This course will consider and evaluate issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the development of curriculum materials in the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in the development of curriculum and supporting technologies in regard to learning technologies. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LSE 585 Workshop/Technology in Education/Instructional Practices

This course will consider and evaluate issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the review of best practices and development of new instructional practices within the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in the instructional tools, strategies and practices in regard to learning technologies. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

LSE 588 Constructing Curriculum for Engaging the Whole Learner

Candidates examine the theoretical, historical, multicultural, social, and political foundations of curriculum which serve as frameworks for examining the curriculum and instruction experienced by students and teachers in classrooms. The course consistently investigates the personal dimensions of curriculum decision making and instructional methodology as contexts for interpreting these frameworks. Specific include integrated assessment, classroom management, brain-based strategies, differentiated instruction, student motivation, and the roles of emotion, movement, and artistic expression in learning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 593 Seminar in the Learning Sciences

This course provides a culminating experience for candidates in the Learning Science programs. Emphasis is on current trends and issues, seminal readings, and research findings related to the learning sciences in education. Candidates are required to research and propose solutions to a problem of practice, resulting in the design and implementation of an educational intervention appropriate for their context. Candidates will engage in a design-based research process to evaluate impact and design of the intervention. As part of this course, candidates are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours of field experiences. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500, LSE 520 and LSE 530. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


LSE 595A Special Topics in Learning Sciences: Effective Teaching in E-Learning Environments

This course helps PK-12 teachers design courses, lesson plans, and other learning experiences that include remote learning and other technology-based elements based on existing resources. The course introduces ISTE Standards for Students as a frame of reference for studying their own students’ developmental levels in educational uses of technology for learning. The course facilitates teacher development of a defined Problem of Practice describing their own learning environment, student characteristics, and school-based technology resources, accentuating strategies for teaching effectively in low-resource, high needs environments. With NLU faculty support, teachers produce a personalized teaching-and-learning plan and instructional unit to optimize student e-learning in challenging circumstances. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LSE 595B ST/Learning Sciences: Instructional Strategies for Teaching in E-Learning Environments

This course prepares participants for teaching and learning in e-environments with a focus on instructional strategies. Topics include: principles of effective online instruction, planning for e-learning, selecting digital tools, and engaging students and families. Participants will describe their own learning environment, student characteristics, and school-based technology resources, and define a Problem of Instructional Practice related to remote or e-learning. The culminating project is a personalized teaching-and-learning plan that optimizes student e-learning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 semester hours


LSE 595C ST/Implementing and Reflecting on Effective Practices in E-Learning Environments

LSE 595 C is the culminating course in the E-learning Certificate. As a capstone experience, the course provides a platform for candidates to integrate work across courses and engage in a final reflection on the principles and practices of effective E-Learning and the process of implementing E-learning plans in P-12 contexts. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 595A and LSE 595B. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 semester hours


LSE 595D ST/ Strategies for Remote and Online Instruction in PreK-12 Classrooms

This course prepares pre-service teachers for teaching and learning in e-environments PreK-12 with a focus on instructional strategies. Topics include: principles of effective online instruction, planning for e-learning, selecting digital tools, and engaging students and families. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hours


LSE 597 Capstone Seminar in the Learning Sciences

The course supports Learning Science Education candidates with a culminating capstone assessment of candidates’ progress in pursuit of their degree objectives and content base in the program’s four themes of (1) Social Emotional Learning in Sociocultural Contexts; (2) Cognition; (3) Design; and (4) Digital Learning Applications. LSE students conclude work on a project-based learning assignment started in LSE 502, continued in LSE 555, and culminating in LSE 597, integrating knowledge in their specialty and the Learning Sciences. Candidates also complete key assessments designed to track learning growth from the baseline through the mid-point to this capstone summative assessment. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 555. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour


LSE 598 Integrating Professional Knowledge & Practices for Advanced Credentials: A Capstone Experience

LSE 598 supports Learning Science Education candidates with a culminating capstone portfolio assessment of candidates’ progress in pursuit of their degree objectives and content base in the program’s four themes of (1) Social Emotional Learning in Sociocultural Contexts; (2) Cognition; (3) Design; and (4) Digital Learning Applications. In addition, this course extends their knowledge of the learning sciences’ curriculum and theory framework, ISTE Standards, and through project-based learning. This course bridges learning sciences, specialty area expertise and educational practices. The course provides a platform for candidates to integrate work across specialty area and endorsement courses, engage in final reflections on educator ethics, and write a concluding introspective narrative on the holistic experience of integrating specialty area and advanced learning and instructional practices to improve outcomes for all learners. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours