TIE - Technology in Education

TIE 512 Using Technologies to Support Student Thinking

This course examines and evaluates the role of learning technologies to foster student engagement and learning, and to inspire creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and other higher order thinking skills. Candidates will review research on teaching problem solving with technology and conduct research to understand how this issue fits in their teaching and learning contexts. Candidates will critically review tools, frameworks, and approaches to learning problem solving, including problem-based learning, systems thinking, modeling, and complexity theory as these relate to bringing real-world problems into classroom in age-appropriate ways, and will build a mini-unit incorporating multiple approaches. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500 or permission of TIE Program Director. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


TIE 525 Designing Digital Age Learning Environments

This course is about understanding digitally-mediated 21st century learning environments and how to effectively design learner-centered experiences using digital tools and contexts. Candidates will consider digital tools and frameworks of various modes of learning, including blended and online learning, digital games, simulations, mobile technologies and augmented reality. Building upon their knowledge of instructional technologies, teaching and learning, candidates will be engaged and challenged to design activities using digital media and digital environments. Pre-requisite(s): LSE 500, TIE 535. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


TIE 532 Visionary Leadership for Digital Learning Contexts

This course focuses on technology planning in educational settings. Topics include tools and strategies for effective technology planning for growth and improvement in student learning outcomes. Candidates will conduct all aspects of the planning process, including needs assessment, research, technology procurement, change management, and professional development. Candidates will discuss the issues related to leadership in strategic planning for technology, including developing a shared vision, curriculum planning, change management, program development, and evaluation at the school and district level. Pre-requisite(s): TIE 515 or equivalent, TIE 535. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


TIE 535 Instructional Design Foundations for Digital Age Learning Environments

This course is an introduction to instructional design and technology integration theories to create engaging learning experiences and environments for digital age. The major components of instructional design and development models will be presented, with an emphasis on applying technology to instruction and learning. Additionally, this course focuses upon research based digital tools and instructional technology trends to support active learning. Candidates will implement the design process to develop technology-infused instruction and learning. Pre-requisite(s): TIE 515 and LSE 500 or permission of the Program Director. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

TIE 542 Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment

In this course candidates plan, design, create and evaluate digital materials, tools and resources for teaching, learning and assessment in educational settings. Topics include the creation and use of resources using web development tools, participation in global online collaborative communities, instructional design of technology-based experiences for effective student learning and engagement, as well as assessment for student learning. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


TIE 575 Leading Learning Technologies and Instructional Design with Shared Vision

This course prepares candidates to lead professional learning communities and activities for excellence in designing purposeful digital age teaching and learning. Topics include developing a shared vision of technology use, identifying and designing resources to build technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), as well as effective planning, implementing and evaluating professional learning experiences related to learning technologies. Candidates will explore best practices in coaching and professional development models, apply skills in conducting professional learning development, and critique/reflect upon practice. Each candidate is to complete at least 15 hours of clinical experiences. Pre-requisite(s): Twelve hours of TIE coursework. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


TIE 583 Workshop/Technology in Education/Contemporary Issues

This course will examine and evaluate contemporary issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in research, theory and/or policy. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

TIE 584 Workshop/Technology in Education/Curriculum Materials

This course will consider and evaluate issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the development of curriculum materials in the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in the development of curriculum and supporting technologies in regard to learning technologies. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

TIE 585 Workshop/Technology in Education/Instructional Practices

This course will consider and evaluate issues of interest relating to, and impacting, the review of best practices and development of new instructional practices within the field of learning technologies. Using appropriate theoretical frameworks, candidates will critically review and discuss contemporary trends in the instructional tools, strategies and practices in regard to learning technologies. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3