Computer Programming and Analysis Associate in Science (CPROG-AS)
Computer Programming personnel can be found in many types of organizations performing a wide variety of computer tasks. Our computer programming degree focuses on helping the student develop the necessary skills that are essential to understanding computer systems, applications, and technology by providing a strong programming foundation while at the same time emphasizing specific career fields such as programmer, web developer, game developer, software testers, software designers, etc. Students will be required to complete an emphasis track in Programming Support, Simulation and Game Design, Web Development or Software Engineering. The program also enables students to learn computer programming languages such a, Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic and PHP. If you enjoy solving puzzles, are comfortable with logical thinking and problem solving, and enjoy working in a team setting, computer programming and analysis could be a technology area you might like to pursue.
Degree Requirements
General Education Courses (15 hours)
ENC 1101C | English Composition I^***+ | 3 cc |
| Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (Category II)*** | 3 cc |
ECO 2013 | Macroeconomics*** | 3 cc |
| | |
MAC 1105 | College Algebra^*** | 3 cc |
| or | |
| higher | |
| | |
SLS 1353 | Generations at Work | 3 cc |
Foundation Courses (18 hours)
Programming Courses (12 hours)
Choose 12 credit hours from the following list of courses:
Emphasis Courses (18 hours)
(Students must take all courses listed under the emphasis they select.)
Programming Support (CPROG-AS)
ACG 2021 | Financial Accounting Principles | 3 cc |
ACG 2071 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting^ | 3 cc |
STA 2023 | Elementary Statistics^* | 3 cc |
CTS 2104 | Windows^ | 3 cc |
CTS 2433 | Database Development and Management^ | 3 cc |
| Technical Electives from any CAP, CET, CIS, COP or CTS prefix | 3 cc |
Simulation and Game Design (CPSG-AS)
CAP 2051 | Game Level Design^ | 3 cc |
CAP 2050 | XBOX Game Programming^ | 3 cc |
COP 2650 | Mobile Application Programming^ | 3 cc |
MAC 1140 | Precalculus Algebra^*** | 3 cc |
CTS 2433 | Database Development and Management^ | 3 cc |
| Technical Electives from any CAP, CET, CIS, COP or CTS prefix | 3 cc |
Web Development (CPWD-AS)
GRA 2151C | Computer Graphics I | 3 cc |
ACG 2021 | Financial Accounting Principles | 3 cc |
CTS 2433 | Database Development and Management^ | 3 cc |
CGS 2822 | Scripting for the Web^ | 3 cc |
| Technical Electives from any ART, GRA, CAP, CET, CIS, COP or CTS prefix | 6 cc |
Software Engineering (CPSE-AS)
MAC 1147 | Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry^* | 4 cc |
MAC 2311 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I^* | 4 cc |
MAC 2312 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II^* | 4 cc |
CTS 2433 | Database Development and Management^ | 3 cc |
| Technical Electives from any CAP, CET, CIS, COP or CTS prefix | 3 cc |
Total: 63