Graphic Design Technology (Graphics Technology) Associate in Science (GRAPH-AS)

A two-year program that prepares students for careers in graphic design upon graduation, or acts as a transfer degree for persons wishing to continue their education toward an advanced degree at a professional art school. Additional general education course work may be required for transfer to a four-year college. Contact the four-year school for information.

Courses cover practical and theoretical problems of visual communication from the inception of an idea to its final presentation to the printer or client. Concepts and execution are covered with strong emphasis on computer assistance, drawing skills and technical developments in the field. Some professional internships are available for advanced students.

Degree Requirements

General Education (15 hours)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

ARH 1051Art History II***

3 cc

Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective (Category III)**

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra^***

3 cc

ARH 1050Art History I***

3 cc

Unless specific  courses are listed, see general education page for courses options in each category.

Foundation Courses (16 hours)

ART 1201CTwo-Dimensional Design

3 cc

ART 1300CDrawing I

3 cc

GRA 2151CComputer Graphics I

3 cc

GRA 1109CHistory of Graphic Design

3 cc

PGY 2401CPhotography I

3 cc

SPC 1006CBasic Speaking and Listening Skills#

1 cc

Intermediate Courses (18 hours)

ART 1301CDrawing II^

3 cc

GRA 2210CElectronic Prepress^

3 cc

GRA 2206CTypography^

3 cc

GRA 2190CGraphic Design I^

3 cc

GRA 2152CComputer Graphics II^

3 cc

PGY 2201CPhotographic Lighting Techniques^

3 cc

Advanced Courses (15 hours)

ART 1400CPrint Making I^

3 cc

GRA 2191CGraphic Design II^

3 cc

GRA 2721CCreative Web Design^

3 cc

PGY 2220CCommercial Photography ^

3 cc

ART 2905Portfolio

3 cc

Total: 64

Note: Students should register in the Visual Arts Department and work out their personal schedules with the department head.
