Appeals Available to Students

Non-Academic Appeals
  1. Student Motor Vehicle Regulations: A student who wishes to dispute an alleged violation of the Student Motor Vehicle Regulations may submit an appeal to the Traffic Appeals Court through the Student Leadership and Activities Office on the appropriate campus.
  2. Code of Conduct Violations: A student accused of violating a section or sections of the Pensacola State College Code of Conduct shall be entitled to certain procedural rights. See the Student Code of Conduct Violations in the Non-Academic Appeals Procedure section of the College Catalog.

Academic Appeals

  1. Grievances of Classroom and Instructor Issues: A student with a complaint regarding specific issues related to a member of the Pensacola State College faculty, including Title IX and Section 504, may seek resolution through this process.
  2. Grade Grievance Procedure: A student who disputes a final grade assigned by a faculty member has 10 working days from the time of grade assignment to initiate a grievance. After the 10 day period, the student loses the right to file a grievance see Student Grade Grievance Procedure (p. 15) and no other administrative remedy or campus option is available.
  3. Graduation Policy Exception: A student who wishes an exception to an existing graduation policy may appeal to the Student Academic Appeals Committee. 
  4. Reinstatement in Class: A student who has been withdrawn for excessive absences may request consideration for reinstatement by discussion with the instructor. If the instructor does not permit continued enrollment, the student may appeal to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
  5. Late Withdrawal : A student who wishes to withdraw from a class after the established withdrawal deadline may petition the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
  6. Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal: A student who has been placed on academic suspension or who has been dismissed for academic reasons may petition for continued enrollment to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
