Art 393 Intermediate Painting II

Study of various concerns in the expansion of technical and conceptual approaches dealing with form and content in both historical and contemporary practices. Students investigate a variety of ways of seeing that expands their approach to the subject and prepares them to begin development of an independent body of work in advanced painting. Students work both individually and in a group setting. Art 392: emphasis is placed on surface, materials, and other technical concerns, although issues dealing with the relationships of form and content are also discussed. Art 393: utilizing traditional and non-traditional technical processes while dealing with specific themes, students develop a personal vocabulary within a contemporary discourse.




Prerequisites: (for art and art history majors only) Art 182, Art 203, Art 230 and Art 281, 282. Open to non-majors who have prerequisites and consent of the instructor. This is the second course in a sequence of two: Art 392 and Art 393.