
Enrollment Process


Students who have been formally admitted or who have filed a Non-Degree Entry form may register for classes online at www.banweb.pdx.edu during the preregistration period for a given term. Registration dates are determined by student class level and admissions status and are listed under the term Priority Registration Schedule. A current, detailed listing of term course offerings can be found in the online Class Schedule at www.sa.pdx.edu/soc. Detailed instructions for registration, priority registration dates, drop and add deadlines and academic calendar can be found online at www.pdx.edu/registration. The class schedule is available approximately two weeks before the beginning of classes for winter and spring, and available in May for the following fall term.

The academic regulations which govern drops and withdrawals are described in detail under Grading System for undergraduates. The academic calendar contains deadlines related to adding and dropping classes, making grade changes, withdrawing from classes, and refund percentages. These deadline dates are important as they determine the extent of financial obligations incurred by registration activity and they determine if and how a course registration will be recorded on a student’s transcript. Students who withdraw or drop may be entitled to certain refunds of fees paid. See the Academic Calendar at www.pdx.edu/registration/academic-calendar.


Students are responsible for dropping courses they do not wish to attend. Non-attendance does not cancel tuition charges, nor does it prevent the course and grade from appearing on the student’s academic record.  The University reserves the right to drop students who do not attend classes or do not have the proper prerequisites. Some academic departments enforce such a policy. If this happens, the student 1) remains responsible for any tuition charges associated with the registration, and 2) the course may be recorded permanently on the academic record, depending on when the department process the drop. Note: Students receiving state or federal aid who receive all X, M, NP, W, or F grades for a term will be required to provide the Financial Aid Office with proof of attendance. Students who do not submit proof of attendance within the specified period of time are subject to having all of their federal and state funds returned.

Academic Advising Requirements

Advising at Orientation

All new undergraduates, both freshmen and transfer students, are required to attend an orientation session to learn about Portland State University and its academic curriculum and to meet with academic advisers.

First-year Advising Requirement

All newly admitted undergraduates are required to receive academic advising from their intended major  during their first year in order to register for the following year. For example, students admitted in fall term must receive advising from their intended major(s), during the academic year, based on the department's specific advising plan, in order to register in May for the following fall term.

Students who are exploring or changing majors (i.e. undecided or undeclared) are advised by Advising and Career Services. Students in pre-professional programs (e.g. education, medicine, nursing) may receive their advising from either their intended major or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Advising Center. Students should contact their major department, their college or school advising center, or Advising and Career Services to clarify their advising options.

Residency Classification

In Oregon, as in all other states, tuition at publicly supported four-year universities is higher for nonresident students than for resident students. The rules used in determining residency seek to ensure that only bona fide Oregon residents are assessed the resident fee. The Residency Standards used to assess residence classification may be found at www.pdx.edu/registration/residency.

Only duly authorized residency officers have authority to apply and interpret these rules and procedures. No other indication or determination of residency by any other institutional office, department, program, or staff represents the official institutional determination of residency.

Residency Classification Appeals

Any person may appeal an institutional residency classification decision within ten (10) days of the date of mailing or other notification of the decision. The appeal to the Interinstitutional Residency Committee (IRC) must be in writing and filed with the PSU residency officer.

The decision of the IRC may be appealed to the President of Portland State or his designee in writing within ten (10) days of notification of the IRC decision. The decision of the Persident is final.

Undergraduate Students Returning to PSU After an Absence

Former Portland State University students who have attended another college or university since leaving PSU and who wish to enroll after an absence must contact the Office of the Registrar to update contact, biographical, and educational information. Official transcripts must be submitted from each institution attended since leaving PSU.

Part-Time Students/Non-Degree Students

Part-time and non-degree students are subject to the same rules as full-time and admitted students with regard to Academic Standards (academic warning, probation, dismissal) and registration deadlines (drop, add, tuition refunds, grade option changes etc.). Tuition payment is required by published deadlines. The Online Class Schedule is available at www.sa.pdx.edu/soc.

Part-time students

Part-time status is defined as enrollment in fewer than 12 credit hours for undergraduates, and fewer than 9 credits for graduate students. Credit work taken as a part-time student is acceptable for undergraduate degrees and credentials.  A fully admitted student may earn most University degrees as a part-time student and some degrees may be earned by taking courses exclusively at night. Part-time students should meet regularly with an adviser for academic planning and information on up-to-date requirements and University policies.

Non-degree/non-admit students

A student may take a maximum of 8 credits in fall, winter and spring terms, and 21 in summer without applying for formal admission. A Non-Degree Entry form is used to create a student record and provide access to the registration system. There is a one time, nonrefundable fee. Non-degree students do not qualify for financial aid nor do they receive transfer evaluations. Non-degree students are allowed to preregister after admitted students. Students may apply online, or obtain a Non-Degree Entry form at www.pdx.edu/admissions/apply.

Students who wish to take 9 or more credits in fall, winter, or spring terms must be formally admitted to the University. Students who plan to earn a degree at PSU should be admitted formally as soon as possible. Regardless of how many credits are earned while in non-degree status, there is no guarantee of admission. Formal admission is required to earn a degree.

Postbaccalaureate Status

Students seeking admission who have earned an accredited baccalaureate degree, who have not been admitted to a graduate degree program may be admitted and enroll at the post baccalaureate level. These students are admitted to Portland State to earn a second bachelor’s degree, certificate, complete pre-requisites for admission to graduate school, or take other academic credit. PSU students who have completed an undergraduate degree who wish to complete a second undergraduate degree or take 9 or more credits during fall, winter or spring terms or more than 21 in the summer, must be admitted to postbaccalaureate status. Postbaccalaureate students are subject to the same academic policies as undergraduates.

Senior Citizen Enrollment

PSU waives tuition for courses audited by an Oregon resident 65 years of age or older if:

  1. space is available after degree-seeking seeking students have registered
  2. the department and instructor approve, and
  3. the auditing student is a non-degree-seeking student registered for 8 or fewer credits.

One time administrative fees and other course fees for materials and online access may apply. Registration, advising and enrollment support is through the Senior Adult Learning Center (S.A.L.C.).  The registration receipt is used to apply for a library card and to authorize use of the Peter Stott Center facilities at staff/faculty rates.

 The tuition waiver does not apply to courses with Restricted Differential Tuition. Seniors taking classes for credit pay tuition according to the established tuition schedule.

The S.A.L.C. is partially supported by voluntary, tax-deductible contributions from seniors who participate in the program. Visit the S.A.L.C. in person at 470H Urban Center or online. Call the Center at 503.725.4739.

Veteran Educational Benefits Certification


Most programs at Portland State University are approved for the training of veterans. The Veterans Administration requires that any veteran receiving GI Bill benefits while attending PSU is required to obtain transcripts from all previously attended schools and submit them to the VA School Official for review for prior credit. Transcripts submitted from all previously attended schools to the Admission Office will be accessible to the VA School Official. It is not necessary to submit two copies. Each term, after registration, veteran students intending to use their education benefits must submit a veterans certification form to the Veterans Certification Office in NH 104. Course adds, drops, withdrawals, class cancellations and changes of program made after submitting a veterans certification form must be reported as soon as possible to the Veterans Certification Office.

Academic Credit for Military Training

After admission, credit may be granted for some types of military service courses on the college level where equivalency to Portland State courses can be shown, as informed by the ACE recommendations. Veterans should provide transcripts from appropriate military schools and a copy of VA form DD214 to the Veterans Certification unit of the Office of the Registrar upon application to PSU.

Satisfactory Progress Standards

In order to maintain satisfactory progress, the student veteran must complete the following credits:

Certified for: Undergraduate: Graduate:
Full time 12+ credits 9+ credits
Three-quarter time 9 - 11 credits 7 - 8 credits
One-half time 6 - 8 credits 5 - 6 credits

The cumulative GPA at Portland State University required to maintain satisfactory progress is 2.00. VA benefits cannot be certified unless satisfactory progress standards are maintained. 

One hundred and eighty (180) credits are required to graduate with a baccalaureate degree (the total is greater in some programs). Grades of No Pass, withdrawals, and audits do not count toward credits completed and may result in a VA over payment. 

Last Date of Attendance Reporting

For reporting purposes, the last date of attendance is established using either 1) the actual date recorded in the registration system when a course is dropped or withdrawn from, or 2) by the 'last date attended' provided by instructors when end-of-term grades of X, F, NP are submitted. 

Reporting Changes in Your Enrollment

Any changes to your class schedule (this includes both adding and dropping courses) must be reported to the Veterans Certification Office immediately as these changes may have a direct effect on benefits paid to you or to the University on your behalf. Immediate notification of these changes can prevent over payments and thus prevent future problems with the VA. 

Deployment Policy

Any student with orders to report for active military duty may withdraw at any time during the term and receive a full refund. If sufficient course work has been accomplished and the instructor feels justified in granting credit for the course work completed, credit may be granted and no refund will be given.

The Office of the Registrar will work with students on a case-by-case basis to determine the best course of action. Students called to active military duty generally have the following options:

  • Full withdrawal from all courses at any point during the term without academic or financial penalty, with full tuition refund.
  • Partial withdrawal from some (but not all) courses at any point during the term without academic or financial penalty. Students who have completed a significant portion of their course work may be eligible to receive the grades earned in courses up to that point in time and/or request incomplete grades according to existing guidelines. Tuition would be refunded for withdrawn courses.
  • No withdrawal from any courses. Students who have completed a significant portion of their course work may be eligible to receive the grades earned in courses up to that point in time and/or request incomplete grades according to existing guidelines. No tuition would be refunded.

Decisions as to which option is best for the student will depend on the student’s personal details, the time remaining in the term, the portion of coursework completed at the time of military activation, and the judgment of the instructors. Students called to active duty who want to drop courses or discuss other options, should bring a copy of their orders to the Veterans Services Office, NH 104, and speak with a Veterans Certification Officer.

Veterans Access Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (38 U.S.C. 3679(c))

In compliance with the Veterans Access , Choice & Accountability Act of 2014, the following individuals shall be charged  the in-state rate, or otherwise considered a resident, for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the State of Oregon while attending a school located in the State of Oregon (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the State of Oregon while attending a school located in the State of Oregon (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor's discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State of Oregon while attending a school located in the State of Oregon (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the Service member’s death in the line of duty following a period of active duty service of 90 days or more. • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge, release, or death described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.

Missed Class Policy

Purpose: This policy is to provide students who miss class or examinations a process to make up examinations or other graded in-class work, unless it can be shown that such an accommodation would constitute an unreasonable burden on the instructor.

Rationale: Portland State University recognizes that students carry many responsibilities with them into the classroom, which both enrich their educational experience and make it more challenging. These include university-sanctioned activities in which the student serves as a representative to the university such as student congress, athletics, drama, and academic meetings.


  • Students involved in university sanctioned or other legitimate activities, such as illness and family emergency.
  • Activity program directors.
  • Instructors of students who participate in university-sanctioned activities, including faculty, academic professionals, administrative staff, and teaching assistants.

Policy: It is the responsibility of each instructor to determine and publish the class attendance policy in the course syllabus and distribute to the enrolled students at the beginning of the quarter. The instructor’s class attendance policy supersedes request for approved absences. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of absences due to university-sanctioned events or personal responsibilities in writing at the earliest possible opportunity. If a student must miss class due to an unforeseen event, the student must inform the instructor of the reason for the absence. Absences not cleared with an instructor before the specific class event (exam, presentation, assignment due) may require a document from the relevant authority (e.g., coach, employer). If the instructor decides that the absence is justifiable, then he/she should attempt to provide opportunities for equivalent work. When absences are approved beforehand by the student and instructor, the instructor will allow students to make up missed work and/or give an option to attain attendance points. When there is a dispute between students and instructors over the opportunity to make up work or attendances, the issue will be adjudicated by the chair of the department and then (only if needed) the dean of that school or his/her designee. The student may not place any undue burden on the instructor to provide opportunities to make up course work due to excused absences.