Incompletes (I grades)

A student may be assigned an I grade by an instructor when all of the following four criteria apply:

  1. Quality of work in the course up to that point is C level or above.
  2. Essential work remains to be done. “Essential” means that a grade for the course could not be assigned without dropping one or more grade points below the level achievable upon completion of the work.
  3. Reasons for assigning an I must be acceptable to the instructor. The student does not have the right to demand an I. The circumstances must be unforeseen or be beyond the control of the student. An instructor is entitled to insist on appropriate medical or other documentation. In no case is an Incomplete grade given to enable a student to do additional work to raise a deficient grade.
  4. A written agreement, signed by both the student and the instructor, should include a statement of the remaining work to be done to remove the I grade, and the date, not to exceed one year from the end of the term of enrollment for the course, by which work must be completed in order to earn credit toward the degree. The instructor may specify the highest grade which may be awarded upon completion; the grade awarded should not exceed the level of achievement attained during the regular course period.

To remove an Incomplete, the instructor must submit a grade change to the Office of the Registrar within one year (e.g., by the end of fall 2015 for a course registered for fall 2014).

An Incomplete grade becomes part of the permanent transcript record after the one-year deadline expires, unless a waiver is approved by petition to the Graduate Council.