In Oregon, educator candidates become eligible for a state educator license by completing coursework, student teaching and assessments, used to determine their status as program completers. Once all criteria are met, candidates can then be recommended to Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TPSC) for an educator license. Assessments during a program include subject matter test(s), edTPA a nationally-scored assessment, and in the case of Early Intervention Special Education Initial License or Endorsement Program, a locally scored summative assessment. For information on Oregon testing requirements please refer to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission website.
Tools of multiple measure are available to programs to assist candidates for whom tests or assessments present a barrier to program completion. Currently, the teacher licensure programs in the COE have processes for utilizing the multiple measures tools which were developed by TSPC.
Inclusive Elementary Educator Program (IEEP)
with Master’s Degree
The College of Education offers a dual licensure program in early childhood and elementary general and special education that also includes a master’s degree. This full-time program of integrated coursework and field experiences is completed over six terms. Students are licensed to teach early childhood and elementary (pre-K to grade 8) and special education. Faculty from both curriculum and instruction and special education departments are instructors in this program. This program reflects the rapidly changing nature of America’s schools, where a wide range of diverse learners can be found in most classrooms.
SpEd 537 | Reading Assessment & Instruction (Elementary) | 4 |
ITP 535 | Cultivating Responsive Elementary Classrooms | 1 |
ITP 509 | Initial Field Experience | 1 |
Ed 530 | Introduction to Inclusion and Special Education | 2 |
ITP 512 | Learning and the Learner | 3 |
SpEd 509 | Practicum | 1-9 |
Ed 534 | Literacy Methods for the Inclusive Classroom | 3 |
SpEd 548 | Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom | 3 |
ITP 539 | Elementary Mathematics Methods | 1-4 |
Ed 535 | Classroom Based Assessment for the Inclusive Educator | 2 |
SpEd 532 | Inclusive Practices | 2 |
SpEd 509 | Practicum | 1-9 |
ITP 514 | Educating for Equity and Social Justice | 3 |
ITP 542 | Integrated Elementary Science Methods | 2 |
ITP 538 | Integrated Methods | 4 |
ITP 546 or 549 | Student Teaching II | 6* |
SpEd 536 | Specialized Techniques | 3 |
Ed 537 | Professional Seminar I: Law and Ethics | 1 |
ITP 547 or 550 | Student Teaching III | 12* |
ITP 509 | Initial Field Experience | 1 |
SpEd 512 | Diagnostic Assessment | 4 |
SpEd 509 | Practicum Special Ed | 2 |
SpEd 525 | Student Teaching | 6 |
SpEd 522 | Comprehensive Individualized Assessment and Curriculum 1 | 3 |
SpEd 523 | Comprehensive Individualized Assessment and Curriculum II | 3 |
Ed 542 | Collaboration for the Inclusive Elementary Educator | 2 |
Ed 539 | Professional Seminar III: Reflection and Job Search | 1 |
SpEd 506 | Special Problems | 1-6 |
Total Credit Hours: | 95 |