2013-2014 Catalog

Information Services

Management Information Services (MIS)

Management Information Services provides technical support for the PeopleSoft administrative computer systems at the college. Additional database support is provided in areas not served by PeopleSoft along with scanning services for time sheets and testing.

User Support Services (USS)

User Support Services is responsible for distributing and maintaining desktop hardware, software, and multimedia resources. To assist and educate students, faculty, and staff in the appropriate use of technology, USS provides a primary point of contact for end-user support and offers a wide range of end-user services, including the Help Center, oversight of computer labs and electronic classrooms, and technology training. The college has two large walk-in computing facilities for student use. Located in Horace Mann Technology Center and in Whipple Hall where over 150 PCs and Apple Macintosh systems are available. In addition, hands-on instructional computing facilities are located in Alger Hall, Clark Science Hall, Craig-Lee Hall, Fogarty Life Sciences, Gaige Hall, Henry Barnard School, Horace Mann Hall, Nazarian Center, School of Social Work (Bldg 9), and Whipple Hall. Electronic classrooms are available for instructional use in over fifteen buildings.

Network and Telecommunications (NT)

Network and Telecommunications is responsible for the data and voice infrastructure on the Rhode Island College campus. The college has a gigabit Ethernet data network, with extensive wireless coverage; a Nortel digital phone system; and a modern data center, with redundant systems for business continuity.