2014-2015 Catalog

Anthropology Learning Goals


1. Develop an awareness of the multiple factors—environmental, biological, psychological, and cultural—leading to similarities anddifferences across human populations, along with substantive knowledge of relevant data;

2. Develop an understanding of:

a. the main concepts, methods, and techniques used in analyzing existing and past human societies, along with substantive knowledge of relevant data;

b. the main scientific concepts and theoretical approaches used in reconstructing human evolution, along with substantive knowledge of relevant data;

c. the genetic and behavioral factors responsible for biological similarities and differences across human populations, along with substantive knowledge of relevant data;

d. the distinctive nature of human language and of human communication as culturally shaped behavior, along with substantive knowledge of relevant data;

3. Develop the ability to:

a. understand scholarly articles in anthropology in terms of their purposes, methods, and significance;
b. integrate information and approaches drawn from multiple subfields with respect to a specific research topic;


4. Develop an awareness of:

a. ethical codes within the profession;

b. ethical and legal considerations and consequences of data collection, analysis, and publication.