Professional Accountancy
Learning Goals
Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems
Department Chair: Jane Przybyla
Director: Lisa Bonitati Church
Professional Accountancy Program Faculty: Professor Schweikart; Associate Professors Church, Filipek, Haser, Przybyla; Assistant Professor Blais
Admission Requirements
- Completed application form accompanied by a $50 nonrefundable application fee.
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
- Two courses in principles of accounting or equivalent.
- Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate records.
- Completion of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT), unless the applicant is a CPA or has passed a state bar examination. Applicants will also be exempt from the GMAT if they have earned a B.S. degree in accounting from Rhode Island College or the University of Rhode Island, with a 3.00 grade point average in the major.