CHEM 507 Organometallics

Introduction to the chemistry of transition metal organometallics. Descriptions of the bonding, synthesis, structures, and reactions of major classes of organometallic compounds, as well as their role in organic synthesis and catalysis.


CHEM 511 Physical Organic Chemistry

Molecular orbital theory, resonance, acid-base theory and mechanisms of organic reactions including unimolecular and bimolecular substitution reactions and intramolecular rearrangements.



(CHEM 215 and CHEM 216) and (CHEM 315 and CHEM 316)

CHEM 512 Advanced Organic Chemistry

The utilization of certain types of reactions for the synthesis of compounds having significance to organic or bioorganic chemistry. Examples include addition/elimination; oxidation/reduction; free radical; carbanionic; pericyclic; and other types of reactions.


CHEM 515 Applied Spectroscopy

Detailed studies of the use of modern instrumental methods for the identification of organic and organometallic compounds. Emphasis on mass, nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, and electronic spectroscopies.


CHEM 521 Advanced Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics

Application of theory of thermodynamics to chemical systems, including methods of quantum statistics.



CHEM 326 and (MATH 121 or MATH 123)

CHEM 522 Advanced Physical Chemistry - Quantum Chemistry

Basic concepts of wave mechanics and the application to topics of interest to chemists.


CHEM 530 Understanding Chemistry

Students will broaden and deepen their understanding of some of the fundamental concepts in chemistry and also explore how these concepts are best learned by adolescents.


CHEM 562 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Advanced discussion of topics of importance to contemporary inorganic and organometallic chemistry, including group theory; acid-base behavior; structure, bonding, and reaction mechanisms of metal complexes; and bio-inorganic chemistry.


CHEM 573 Environmental Aquatic Chemistry

Explores the interrelationships of chemistry within the aquatic environment. Topics will include (1) energy flow and transformations, (2) chemical cycles in the environment, (3) fate and transport of chemical in surface and subsurface water, soil, and air; (4) aquatic chemistry, including the carbon dioxide cycle, precipitation reactions, complexation reactions, and redox chemistry; (5) phase interactions, (6) aquatic microbial biochemistry, (7) water pollution, and (8) water treatment.


CHEM 574 Environmental Atmospheric Chemistry

Introduces the chemistry occurring within both natural and polluted atmospheres, with an emphasis on fundamental principles. Topics include: gas-phase chemistry, aerosol formation and heterogeneous chemistry, meteorology, and current environmental issues (ozone holes, global warming, etc.). Class activities will include discussions of technical papers drawn from contemporary scientific literature and simulations of environmental problems through computer models.


CHEM 581 Special Topics in Chemistry

Topics of special or current interest offered periodically. Credit and prerequisite vary with nature of course offerings which may include physical inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, spectroscopy, photochemistry, tochemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, synthesis, polymer chemistry, topics in biochemistry chemistry, quantum chemistry, computers, or selected topics in chemical education.
