GIS 301 Geographic Information Systems II

The expanded theory, components and applications of Geographic Information Systems. The course builds on topics presented in GIS 201 Geographic Information Systems I, and introduces students to additional commercially available Geographic Information Systems software.



GIS 201

GIS 350 Remote Sensing/Image Processing

Study of the conditions and/or state of remotely sensed objects and scenes. Application to many real world problems including harvest prediction, containment migration, forest mapping, resource delivery, and extraterrestrial exploration. Image processing, pattern recognition, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).



GIS 201

GIS 360 Mapping the Social World

Representation and analysis of the spatial structure of the social world using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Exploration of how such technology is used to exploit and commercialize the social world in ways that serve the interests of those who control the technology and how it could provide opportunities to redraw boundaries and identify new social spaces.