Residence Life

Office: Gregory Hall, First Floor

(716) 673-3341

Kathy Forster, Director



The Residence Life Office is located on the first floor of Gregory hall. There are 14 residence halls for students to choose from, including 4 single gender buildings and 10 co-educational buildings; 2 of which are considered independent style halls. Students also have a choice of corridor, suite or kitchen suite living. All residence halls are smoke free and tobacco free. University Village Townhouses opened in Fall 2014. This newer living option provides students with an off-campus feel but provides all the benefits of being on campus. Each townhouse has 4 single bedrooms with full-sized beds, a full kitchen with dishwasher, and furnished living and dining area. Each unit also includes a washer and dryer. The townhouses share a common building, the Village Center. Located in this center is the central office, resident mailboxes, lounge areas, a full kitchen, fireplaces, and group meeting areas. Residence hall living is all about convenience and belonging. Living right on campus in the middle of everything is the best and fastest way to become part of Fredonia. Reed Library is a short walk from anywhere on campus as are Blue Devil sporting events and regular activities in the Williams Center. It is our goal to make the residence halls feel like home away from home, a place where you belong. From Hall Council to Meetups to Resident Assistant programs to employment opportunities as a Night Desk Attendant, opportunities to connect and engage with other students in the residence halls are vast. We hope that you feel at home here.

Residence Halls

Fredonia is composed of a variety of residence halls in corridor and suite configurations, all of which have a 24-hour inter-visitation policy. Each hall is home to a staff that will provide programming and offer a warm, caring atmosphere conducive to educational and social growth. The single gender hall for men: Chautauqua (corridor); and for women: Alumni (corridor), Kasling (suite), Nixon (corridor). The co-educational halls include: Disney (suite), Eisenhower (suite), Grissom (suite), Hemingway (suite), Hendrix (suite), Igoe (suite) McGinnies (corridor), Schulz (suite). Kitchen Suites: Three-bedroom suites including a full kitchen are available to upper level students in Disney and Eisenhower halls. Gregory Hall (corridor) and University Commons (suite) are co-ed, independent living halls (i.e., guests do not sign in) and restricted to upper level students.

University Commons consists of 124-premium spaces, featuring single and double rooms. Every two rooms share a bathroom and each room is equipped with heat and air conditioning which can be controlled in the room, and a micro-fridge unit.

University Village Townhouses are new to Fredonia as of Fall 2014. These townhouse units offer an independent living experience for upper level students. Each unit contains 4 single rooms, laundry facilities, kitchen area and living room area. Every 2 rooms share a bathroom and each room is equipped with a full-size bed. All residence halls are locked on a 24-hour basis. Residents are provided with electronic door access, and their guests must be escorted at all times.  

Freshmen and sophomores (two years post high school) who do not live with parent(s) or spouse within 50 miles of the campus are required, as a matter of policy, to live in university housing for the full academic year. Any exemption to the regulation must be granted, in writing, by the Director of Residence Life. The housing license is for the entire academic year and cannot be canceled during this period as long as the student is registered, regardless of class standing. There is a $350 fee for approved termination of the housing license.

Assignment to a residence hall is first-come, first-served, based on the date of submission of a completed housing application and license.

Detailed information about university housing facilities for students will be provided upon request by the Office of Residence Life, Gregory Hall, State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 14063, at the website listed above, or

Regulations governing occupancy of residence hall rooms will be provided by the Office of Residence Life at the time the housing packet is forwarded to students. All occupants within the halls are expected to comply with the appropriate regulations.

For the cost of housing, see the Admissions and Financial Aid section of the catalog on University Expenses.

Residence Life Staff

The Residence Life staff is dedicated to providing essential services for resident students and fostering an environment that promotes personal and community development. We look forward to your participation and good citizenship.

Residence Directors

Each residence hall is supervised by a Residence Director (RD) who either has achieved or is working towards a Master’s degree. The RD is responsible for establishing an environment that fosters the academic and personal growth of resident students. The RD promotes educational programs, provides personal counseling and referrals, maintains consistent behavioral expectations for residents, and supervises the Resident Assistants (RAs).

Resident Assistants

Resident Assistants carry out a wide range of functions that benefit resident students and the overall residential community.

RAs provide peer counseling, sponsor educational and social programs, enforce rules and regulations, serve as a referral resource and generally assist in the operation of the residence hall. Administrative Staff The Administrative Staff includes the Director, Associate Director, Assistant Director and Agency Program Aide. Collectively they are responsible for housing administration, staff hiring and supervision, purchasing furnishings and supplies for the residence halls, information systems, inventory control, and budget management. The Office of Residence Life is located on the first floor in Gregory Hall.

ResNet Staff

The ResNet Office of the ITS Service Center provides residential technology support and
campus access control services for students, staff and guests living in the residence halls. The primary services provided include Internet connectivity support and campus access control services to students living in the residence halls. The administrative staff includes the Residential Technology Manager, ResNet Coordinator, and student ResNet Technicians. The staff works closely as a team to facilitate computer, access control and network support calls as well as other projects throughout the year. The ResNet office is located on the first floor of McGinnies Hall.  

ResNet provides the following services for students, staff and guests living in the residence halls:
  • Campus Access Control Services
  • Internet Service Connectivity Support
  • University Owned Printer Support
  • University Owned Computing Software Support
  • Personal Computing Device Repair
  • Residence Life Multi-media Equipment Reservation & Checkout
  • Residence Life Smart Classrooms
  • Residence Life Event Management Digital Signage
  • University Owned Computing Hardware Support
  • Student Printing Service

Students living on-campus may bring their computers into the ResNet Office for repair or they may schedule an in-room appointment to have a ResNet Technician assist them with their computer-related problems. For more information, students should contact the office at (716) 673-3668 or by emailing

Off Campus

Off-campus housing information is maintained in the Student Association Office located in the Williams Center. An online search for available office-campus housing is available at