Policy for Involuntary Leave for Medical / Psychological Reasons

Standards for Involuntary Leave

  1. Authority for the policy: "In the legitimate interest of the university in protecting property and the safety and welfare of specific individuals or the general public, the University President or his/her designee may temporarily suspend an individual pending a decision by a university hearing board" (Student Rights and Responsibilities, University Catalog) .
  2. Proscribed Behavior: Any student who:
    1. Engages, or threatens to engage, in behavior which poses imminent danger of causing substantial harm to self and/or others, or
    2. Engages, or threatens to engage, in behavior which would cause significant property damage, or directly and substantially impede the lawful activities of others, shall be subject to involuntary withdrawal in accordance with the procedures set forth below.

Procedure for Leave

  1. Upon preliminary investigation, a student may be required to leave the University for a designated period of time. If the student is required to leave it is expected that the student will seek a psychological and/or medical evaluation. This evaluation will be shared with the Office of Enrollment and Student Service and/or the Director of the Counseling Center and Director of the Health Center.
  2. In order to return and/or remain in school the student must be evaluated by the Director of the Counseling Center or their designee and/or the Director of the Health Center or their designee. After the meeting the student will need to meet with the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services or their designee. The Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services or their designee, in consultation with the Counseling Center and/or Health Center or their designee(s), the Chief of Police or their designee and, if applicable, the Director of Residence Life or their designee, will decide if the student is cleared to return to school. If cleared to return to school, a contract may be developed which prescribes responsibilities of the student. These responsibilities may include: ongoing counseling, removal from or relocation within Residence Life, refraining from alcohol or drug use, etc. Failure to comply with this contract could result in immediate suspension from the University.