EDU 671 ESOL Practicum & Supervision(20 Day)

This course provides a supervised student teaching experience for graduate students who are already certified in an approved area of education and who are earning their initial certification in ESOL pre-K-12. To be recommended for this certification, students must be placed in an approved ESOL classroom at appropriate grade levels to ensure they have experience across the pre-K-12 levels. All effort will be made to place those already holding an early childhood or childhood certificate in a middle school or secondary school (grades 5-12) and those students already holding a middle school or adolescent certificate in an elementary school setting (grades pre-K-6). The field placement shall be for five days per week until placement requirements have been fulfilled. Classroom theory is applied to field practice. Students will be observed by a field supervior a minimum of two times in this placement.




EDU 569


Every semester