CSIT 201 Computer Security and Ethics

Introduces desktop, internet, and network security issues and how they interact with the ethical values of individuals, organizations, and society. Includes methods of avoiding, detecting, and analyzing network intrusions as well as the ethics related to computer security and privacy. Background assumed: N.Y.S. Integrated Algebra and Geometry, or Math A, or equivalent.


CSIT 203 Multimedia Systems

The course introduces multimedia systems from a theoretical and practical perspective. Topics covered include: computer manipulation of images, music, animation, and video, including theoretical aspects of lighting, color, elementary acoustics principles, motion, perspective, graphical and sound file formats, and network transmission. Various software packages will be introduced: for raster and vector graphics; for 2-D- and 3-D-modeling and animation; for sound recording and editing. Using these software packages and applying the principles learned in the course, students will practice creating, processing, and modifying graphics and sound. Students will gain practical hands-on experience through the course work and understand the operating principles of multimedia systems. No programming background is assumed.


CSIT 205 Visual BASIC II

Advanced visual Basic programming techniques with graphical user interface and Active X controls. Topics include: multiple forms and other GUI elements, database concepts and interacting with databases, server side web programming, dynamic and static data types, arrays, files, lists, stacks and queues, concept of classes and related notions, designing Windows API calls and Windows registry functions and advanced event-driven business applications. The course provides a computer laboratory component to ensure practice with the above concepts.



CSIT 105 or CSIT 121

CSIT 207 Web Programming II

An advanced course in server-side web programming. Topics include: cookies, file and database access, portals and web applications; server side scripting. Knowledge of HTML, and of C++, Java, or Visual Basic are required.



CSIT 107 and (CSIT 105 or CSIT 121)

CSIT 221 Computer Science II

Hands-on exposure to major topics in data structures and control, including file I/O; abstract data types; static and dynamic data structures; pointers and pointer operations; templates, memory addresses; garbage collection; memory leak; function and operator overloading; constructors and destructors; deep and shallow copying; class concepts; multi-dimensional and dynamic arrays; linked lists; doubly-linked lists; stacks, queues and their implementations and applications. The course provides a computer laboratory component to ensure practice with the above concepts.



CSIT 121

CSIT 225 Java Programming

Basic programming constructs: primitive types, expressions, and statements; class hierarchies; elementary predefined classes such as String and Math; object-oriented programming; packages and interfaces; exception handling; I/O and file access; graphics; applets; studio processing and other applications.



CSIT 221

CSIT 231 Systems Programming

UNIX commands, shells, utilities, editors; file types and modes; shell scripts; make-files; memory and storage management; C programming tools; processes, IPC (signals, sockets, pipes); development tools; streams; networking; UNIX internals, system administration and other topics as time permits.



CSIT 221

CSIT 232 Introduction to Robotics

Students will study the history of robots, understand the differences in types of robots, explore artificial intelligence through readings and lab work with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and python programming language, work with sensors, where necessary work with servos and motors, demonstrate understanding of electrical components involved in physical computing, design and attempt construction of programmable and autonomous robots using the Raspberry Pi as a foundation. Working in teams, the students will demonstrate their successes and describe and demonstrate their efforts in a final project.


CSIT 241 Discrete Mathematics I

Study of mathematical topics needed for further study of computer science at the advanced undergraduate level, including: logic, sets, proof techniques, matrices, basic number theory, modular arithmetic, functions, linear transformations, relations, basic combinatorics.



(MATH 120 or MATH 122) and (CSIT 105 or CSIT 121)

CSIT 242 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science II

A continuation of CSIT 241. Topics include combinatorics, digraphs, and trees; recurrence relations; switching circuits and logic gates; automata, grammars and languages; other topics as time permits.



CSIT 221 and CSIT 241

CSIT 251 Information Systems Structures

Overview of information systems (IS) for operational, tactical and strategic functions of business organizations; IS practices and challenges for business competitiveness; data, information and knowledge processing; information systems theory and quality decision, systems analysis and design, database management, network and network management; electronic commerce and social and ethical issues; IS and IT planning and implementation.



CSIT 151 or BUAD 161 or CSIT 104

CSIT 291 Special Topics

Selected topics in computer and information sciences based on instructor or student interest requiring basic understanding of computer information systems operations.
