THEA 303 Rendering Technique I

Explores the graphic media and drawing techniques used by the designer in preparing drawings for the theatre with a focus on freehand sketching, gridding, and drop point perspective.



THEA 125

THEA 304 Rendering Technique II

Continuation of THEA 303. Explores the graphic media, drawing techniques, color theory and composition used by the designer in preparing drawing and painting for the theatre. With emphasis in graphite, water color, guache, acrylic and marker.



THEA 303

THEA 305 Rendering Technique III

Continuation of THEA 304. Explores the graphic media and drawing techniques used by the designer in preparing drawings for the theatre.



THEA 123 and THEA 125

THEA 315 The Dramatic Imagination

Design students study the nature of the relationship between playscripts and theatrical designs through script and text analysis, literary criticism and research. Exploration of how dialogue and themes can be visualized through design. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only.



THEA 121


THEA 229

THEA 319 Costume Construction II

Intensive laboratory exploration of advanced costume construction techniques. Focus on growth of stitching skills.



THEA 228

THEA 320 Advanced Makeup

Design and application of special effects, 3-D prosthetics, and appliances. Majors only.



THEA 220

THEA 321 Costume Crafts, Dyeing and Painting

A rotation of basic costume accessory design and construction including but not limited to millinery, mask making, leather work, etc. As well as a laboratory exploration of the art and craft of dye/paint techniques for costumes. Union, acid, and fibre-reactive dyes, silk and fabric paints, and health and safety for costume artisans are covered. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only. Theatre and Dance majors by permission.


THEA 322 Stagecraft II

Course covers the planning, organization and management skills needed to execute the construction of a theatrical scenic design. Lecture and computer lab participation required. Lab fee required.



THEA 222

THEA 324 Lighting Design I

Principle of Stage Lighting Design and its application to a theatrical production. Will study the what and why lighting can bring to a production through practical projects.



THEA 315 and THEA 125

THEA 325 History of Costume

Chronological survey of clothing and fashion; their sociological and artistic implications from the Egyptians to the 20th century.


THEA 326 Scene Design I

Principles, procedures, and development of scene design. Students must enroll in THEA 303, 304 or 305 simultaneously. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only.



THEA 315

THEA 327 Costume Design I

Costume design methods and concepts. Students must enroll in THEA 303, 304 or 305 simultaneously. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only.



THEA 325

THEA 328 Costume Design II

Continuation of THEA 327: development of more complicated sophisticated concepts. Students must enroll in THEA 303, 304 or 305 simultaneously. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only.



THEA 327

THEA 329 Flat Patterning

Flat pattern techniques as applied to the costume cutter. Use of slopers, methodology, and interpretation of sketches are emphasized. B.F.A. Theatrical Production andDesign majors only.



THEA 228

THEA 331 Acting Studio: Styles

Introduction to various acting tools for creating and sustaining characters and action in elevated and poetic texts from major periods of theatre history. Emphasis on ability to approach historical periods and genres while remaining intimately connected to personal truth.



THEA 232

THEA 334 Digital Tools for the Performing Arts II

Exploration in creating theatre in a digital age. The class will focus on digital rendering but will also include some drafting, budget tracking and an artists digital presence on the web. Programs explored in the class will be Photo Shop, Corel Paint, Vectorworks and others.



THEA 221 and THEA 304

THEA 337 Properties for the Stage

This course is an introduction to the craft, process, and administration associated with the work of the theatrical properties artisan and master. Topics covered will include found properties, refurbishment, creation of new properties, consumables, budgeting, and tracking.



THEA 121 and THEA 125

THEA 338 Special Topics

Study of selected areas of theatre arts not covered in regular curricular program. May be repeated for credit. Permission of instructor.


THEA 339 Stage Management

Introductory course that covers the organizational and interpersonal skills needed to stage manage live productions of theater, musical theater, or dance. Topics include the stage manager's role during casting, design process, rehearsals, technical production and performance.



THEA 121

THEA 341 Acting Studio: Shakespeare

An introduction to the basic techniques used in Shakespearean acting. Major emphasis is placed on approaching Shakespeare through a careful analysis of the use of language and construction of the text. Enrollment limited to B.F.A. Acting/Musical Theatre majors or permission of instructor.



THEA 230 or THEA 232

THEA 345 Acting Studio: Voice and Movement III

Explores additional methods to increase flexibility and range in speaking with an emphasis on heightened responsiveness to imagery and rhythms, along with additional methods to increase precision and range of movement with an emphasis on physical character work. B.F.A. Acting and Musical Theatre majors only.



THEA 243

THEA 346 Acting Studio: Voice and Movement IV

Explores additional methods to increase precision and range of movement with an emphasis on unarmed and armed stage combat.



THEA 242 and THEA 243

THEA 347 Stage Combat: Unarmed

This is a preliminary acting class designed to instruct students in the performance techniques, skills and illusions of unarmed stage combat.



THEA 215

THEA 350 Introduction to Musical Theatre

The course will offer an introduction to the techniques of performing in, and auditioning for, musical theatre. Students will work on duet, solo, and group dance numbers, and on finding appropriate audition material. The class will focus on strengthening all aspects of the performer: singing, acting, and dancing. The class will treat musical theatre material with respect, approaching the texts as actors, as well as singers/dancers.



THEA 131 and THEA 133

THEA 353 History of Musical Theatre

Development of the theatrical genre known as musical theatre. Special emphasis on musical comedy roots in 19th century America to the present.


THEA 359 Physical Theatre

The beginning of the professional theater in the western world can be traced directly from the Italian Renaissance form of physical theater known as the commedia dell'Arte. No study of actor training would be complete without a thorough examination of the commedia, underlying principles, and contemporary developments and applications of the form. Actors will develop a heightened sensibility and understanding of movement and character through direct practice with the various masks and techniques of original and contemporary physical theatre forms



THEA 232 and THEA 243

THEA 370 Scene Study

The course will present the fundamental principles of approaching the creation of a character on stage using the techniques of Stanislavski realism.



THEA 117 and THEA 133

THEA 371 Fredonia Young Company I

Fredonia Young Company is an educational tour company devoted to bringing theatre shows to the schools that belong to Chautauqua School District. Composed entirely of BA students, FYC serves as a training ground for actors, designers, stage managers, dramaturgs, and directors, as well as the capstone experience to seniors who wish so. THEA 371 is a theoretical-practical course dedicated to the conceptualization, design, and basic blocking of the production. The production process culminates with a theatre tour in schools every spring semester.



THEA 133 and THEA 215

THEA 372 Fredonia Young Company II

Practical course devoted to finalizing the staging phase initiated in THEA 371 FYC I and tour the show in four schools in the Dunkirk/Fredonia area. THEA 498 Senior Project students who have been admitted into the company may choose to use it as their senior project. The show will be performed in local elementary schools, and Envision: Senior Showcase" in the months of March /April."



THEA 371

THEA 381 Technical Theatre Seminar

Discussion seminar on problems and procedures of mounting theatrical productions. Includes scheduling personnel, weekly rehearsals and other pertinent current production needs. Does not apply to the required hours for major in Theatre Arts. May be repeated


THEA 382 Musical Theatre Styles I

The course, through scene study of musical theatre repertory, focuses on integration of song, dance and acting skills for the junior B.F.A. Musical Theatre student.



THEA 232 and MUS 236

THEA 383 Acting Studio: Theatre Games

Through the study of improvisational techniques in the theatre, students will be exposed to a variety of long-form improvisation techniques designed to enhance spontaneity on the stage, develop sensory and perceptive skills, and approach character creation from a non-analytical perspective.



THEA 232

THEA 384 History of Architecture and Decor for Theatre

This course is a study of architecture, decorative arts, and stage technology throughout history as they impact design for theatre. This course will look at periods of design from ancient Greece to the early Twentieth Century.



THEA 125 and THEA 315