THEA 410 Acting for Media I

This course is designed to introduce the actor to fundamental theories and practices of acting for the camera.


THEA 411 Acting for Media II

THEA 411, Acting for Media II, will acquaint students with intermediate-level theories and practices of acting for the camera.



THEA 410

THEA 415 Stage Combat: Medieval Weapons

This is an advanced acting class designed to instruct students in the performance techniques, skills and illusions of medieval weapons for stage combat.



THEA 347

THEA 416 Stage Combat - Renaissance Weapons

This is an advanced acting course designed to instruct students in the safe and effective performance techniques, skills, and illusions of Stage Combat involving the use of Renaissance Weapons.



THEA 347

THEA 420 Special Studies in Technical Theatre

Seminar and laboratory experience exploring a variety of processes and techniques in depth. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only.


THEA 422 Stagecraft III

Intermediate to advanced scenic construction techniques as well as an introduction to scenic automation. Topics covered include: simple engineering principles and structural analysis, pneumatic power, electric motors and control systems.



THEA 222

THEA 423 Acting Studio: Alternative Acting Styles

An explorationof alternative acting techniques such as non-realistic and non-western styles of acting. B.F.A. Acting/Musical Theatre majors only.



THEA 232

THEA 424 The Business of Acting

Intensive study of skills needed by actors to increase their marketability in today's theatre. Open to B.F.A. Acting and Musical Theatre majors only.



THEA 232

THEA 426 Scene Design II

Continuation of Scene Design I with specific emphasis on artistic requirements of the production. B.F.A. Production and Design majors only.



THEA 326

THEA 427 Scene Painting II

An intensive laboratory experience exploring advanced techniques in painting, dimensional texture and surface treatments. May require practical work on productions. Will also co-supervise and mentor Scene Painting I students on some projects as part of learning how to run a paint crew. B.F.A. Theatrical Production and Design majors only



THEA 226

THEA 429 Lighting Design II

This course is an introduction to the mechanics of stage lighting and sound. It includes basic electricity, tools, equipment, distribution and control for theatrical lighting and sound. The course will deal with the many aspects of implementing lighting and sound for a production.



THEA 324

THEA 432 Musical Theatre Styles II

Advanced scene study and techniques for integrating all resources of the singing actor in musical theatre. B.F.A. Musical Theatre majors only or by permission of instructor.



THEA 232

THEA 434 Musical Theatre Styles Lab

A co-requisite for THEA 432, the laboratory allows for exploration, musical coaching and preparation for the Musical Theatre Styles acting class.



THEA 232

THEA 435 Rehearsal and Performance

Application of advanced techniques in preparation for studio and major productions.


THEA 436 Design/Technical Production

Application of advanced production techniques in a leadership position, preparing and executing Mainstage productions for the Department of Theatre and Dance.


THEA 441 Directing I: Principles of Directing

Theoretical and practical course in which we will discuss the fundamental principles of directing. Following the performance process from the proto performance to the aftermath, the goal of the class is to learn, step by step, how to transpose the dramatic writing of the text into scenic writing. Since the same dramatic text may produce an infinite number of readings, the crucial task of a director is to determine and concretize a unique way of staging the script. In this class we will exercise and develop the necessary skills, strategies, and methodologies to conceive a strong director's concept, which will be implemented in THEA 442 Directing II.


THEA 442 Directing II

Theoretical and practical course in which we will discuss and apply the fundamental principles of directing you were introduced to in the THEA 441 course.Topics include the director's function and responsibilities including play selection, auditioning/casting, staging techniques, and script analysis using the motivational unit as a basis of approach. Emphasis will be placed on preparation and presentation of the one-act play chosen in THEA 441, which will be presented in the context of Envision Showcase.



THEA 441 and THEA 481

THEA 451 World Theatre in Context I

A survey of theatre history from pre-Greek to the 18th century. Performance and production elements in all ages will be covered. Junior or senior standing.


THEA 452 World Theatre in Context II

A survey of theatre history from 18th century to present. Performance and production elements in all ages will be covered. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.


THEA 460 Performing Arts Organization and Management

Performing Arts management including philosophy, management procedures, budgets, publicity/promotion, ticket office and house management procedures for educational, community and professional resident performing arts organizations. For Theatre, Dance and Music majors, Arts Administration minors, or permission of instructor.


THEA 467 Meisner Technique

This course explores the basic tenets of the Sanford Meisner acting technique, including repetition, activities, preparation, and scene work.



THEA 231 or THEA 330 or THEA 470

THEA 468 Devising Theatre

The course is designed to give the student of theatre opportunities to create original theatre in a workshop setting. The course will introduce students to various processes of creating original theatre texts, scenarios and performances through group collaboration for a variety of contexts. Permission of instructor is required.


THEA 470 Styles

A continuation/culmination of the THEA 133 Intro to Acting (technique and craft),and THEA 370 Scene Study (elements of characterization, scene arc, fine tuning craft) sequence. The Introduction to Styles allows a modified departure from the Realism we have studied to heightened language and period movement (Shakespeare, Coward, Moliere), physicalization (Comedy, Restoration, Melodrama) or elements of both (Soap Opera, Slap-stick, Sit-com, Simon).



THEA 117 and THEA 133 and THEA 370

THEA 481 Senior Projects Seminar

A seminar course that discusses challenges that BA and BFA students often face after graduation and starts to prepare them for their capstone projects. Topics may include, but are not limited to: resumes, cover letters, graduate schools, portfolios, and life as an artist.


THEA 482 Independent Studies in Theatre

Intensive individual study of an aspect of theatre that is of particular interest to the student. Criteria for Independent Study will be developed on a case-by-case basis between the student and their chosen faculty mentor. Completed Independent Study proposal form required for registration. May be repeated for credit.


THEA 490 Professional Theatre Intern

Approved and supervised work-training experience in professional theatre company. Permission of department required.


THEA 498 Senior Project

Development of a capstone project intended for public presentation. Students will be expected to execute a theatrical project in either performance, design, or other area in theatre as approved by faculty advisement. The project should demonstrate competence in all aspects of the student's degree program.



THEA 481

THEA 499 Performance/Production Seminar

Development and public presentation of a creative project as a senior recital. Senior standing; B.F.A. Acting or Theatrical Production and Design majors only.