CDS 400 Foundations of Speech Language Pathology in Educational Settings

Study of the legal bases, common practices, principles, and issues related to the effective delivery of speech and language services in educational settings.


CDS 410 Clinical Procedures: Observation and Analysis

Guided observation and study of assessment and intervention procedures for children and adults with a variety of communication disorders. Videotaped and real/time sessions will be utilized for demonstration and analysis. Written projects will prepare the student to analyze methodologies and develop therapeutic goals, objectives, procedures and materials. The course will fulfill the American Speech Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) requirement for a minimum of 25 observation hours.



CDS 398 and CDS 399

CDS 418 Speech-Language Pathology II

The study and application of assessment procedures and intervention strategies of speech and swallowing communication disorders including cleft lip and palate, voice and dysphagia. Case study discussions and collaborative learning will be emphasized.



CDS 310

CDS 419 Aural Habilitation and Rehabilitation

Application of therapeutic measures and strategies to optimize the communication ability of the hearing impaired. Emphasis is on fetal development, genetics, psychosocial and counseling issues, amplification, visual and auditory training and third part reimbursement.



CDS 322

CDS 420 Advanced Speech Pathology

Seminar devoted to assigned readings and to approved individual research. Strengthens student knowledge in specific areas in preparation for more advanced studies.



CDS 280 and CDS 418

CDS 490 Independent Study

Study of a particular problem in speech pathology and audiology. Periodic meetings with instructor; writing a substantial paper.


CDS 495 Seminar in Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology

Detailed study of selected topics in speech pathology or audiology. Content will change from semester to semester but will focus on a relatively narrow topic or issue of current interest.
