WWU Libraries
Peterson Memorial Library
Resources for student research, including Research Central, full-text article databases, and reference e-resources, are located on the WWU Libraries homepage: library.wallawalla.edu. Research Central, the libraries’ online discovery system, connects students to the WWU Libraries collections as well as to collections from the thirty-eight other Orbis Cascade Alliance (Alliance) member libraries. Students on the College Place and Portland campuses may access the Summit Catalog through Research Central and directly request items from another Alliance library. Off-campus, authenticated access, to the libraries’ electronic resources is available to current students, faculty, and staff by logging in using their WWU username and password.
Dedicated to serving the information needs of students and faculty, librarians are available to facilitate student success through assistance in finding articles and other resources for papers, speeches, and other assignments. More in-depth research consultation is also available. Librarians are located at both Peterson Memorial (College Place campus) and School of Nursing (Portland campus) libraries. Library Research Consultants are located at the Billings and Missoula MSW campuses in Montana. Information about library services for online students is located at LibAnswers: wallawalla.libanswers.com. Research tips and trouble-shooting ideas are located on the distance learning research guide: wallawalla.libguides.com/DistanceLearning.
Contact: Library services are available by phone (509-527-2134), e-mail (reference@wallawalla.edu), or chat (wallawalla.libguides.com/Reference-Information).