NURS 2310 Foundations of Nursing

Designed to introduce students to the major constructs of the nursing curriculum: adaptation of person (four dimensions which include biophysical, psychological, social and spiritual) and professional nursing (critical thinking, nursing process, communication, and professional role activities). Simulations and group activities will be utilized to provide students with an opportunity to learn how to use communication, critical thinking, nursing process, and clinical decision making. Another topic included is an introduction to the legal and ethical aspects of nursing. There is an introduction to professionalism with a focus on professional values, including altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice. Emphasis is placed on foundational content for nursing in medication administration. Students will be expected to demonstrate skill in computing dosage and solution problems. Eligibility to enroll is determined by the Nursing Admissions Committee. Prerequisite : Completion of 30 semester hours of courses applicable to the nursing degree. Lab fee.



