Catalog 2014-2015

Student Recognition

The Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in programs of study at public, postsecondary technical colleges. GOAL honors the dignity of work and the importance of technical education in the state. Instructors nominate outstanding students for the local GOAL program and a selection committee selects the finalists from these nominees. Finalists compete to represent the college at the state GOAL competition.

Honor Graduate

The college awards this honor to graduating students who earn a graduation grade point average of 4.0 (see Graduation Grade Point Average). The president of Athens Technical College presents honor graduates with a medallion during the annual graduation ceremony to recognize this accomplishment.

Presidential Scholar

The college awards this honor to graduating students who have earned a graduation grade point average of between 3.75 and 3.99 (see Graduation Grade Point Average). Presidential scholars are recognized in the annual graduation program.

Dean's Scholar

The college awards this honor to graduating students who have earned a graduation grade point average of between 3.50 and 3.74 (see Graduation Grade Point Average). Dean's scholars are recognized in the annual graduation program.

Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges

The Who's Who program annually honors outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and community achievements. A campus committee selects students who exhibit academic excellence, participate in extracurricular activities, and perform service to the community. The college recognizes nominees at the annual Honors Day program, and they receive national publicity in Who's Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges.