Catalog 2015-2016

Emergency Action Plan

Each classroom and laboratory contains a posted emergency action plan for fire or hazardous weather conditions. The plan includes evacuation instructions in case of emergency.

In the event of fire, personal injury, or criminal action, someone witnessing the incident should notify the nearest instructor or staff member immediately. That person should also notify campus security (706-357-0050) or the vice president for student affairs (706-355-5029) immediately. If an emergency occurs on the Elbert (706-213-2100), Greene (706-453-7435), or Walton (770-207-3130) campuses, contact the respective campus director immediately. If the situation is a dire emergency, an employee should call 911 before contacting a vice president or director.

A student who experiences any personal injury must complete an incident report for campus security as soon as possible.

Athens Technical College emails and/or posts crime alerts to give prompt warning to members of the college community regarding the occurrence of serious crimes and to encourage members of the college community to take appropriate safety precautions. Emails are sent to students' official email accounts and to faculty and staff via their official college email address. The president, a vice president, or a campus director or manager is responsible for issuing these warnings.