Catalog 2015-2016

Move on When Ready Admission for High School Students

Move on When Ready (MOWR) is Georgia's new dual enrollment program. It provides high school students with opportunities to earn college credit while working on their high school diplomas. This program replaces ACCEL, HOPE-Dual Enrollment, and the previous Move on When Ready program. In order to quality as MOWR participants, all private and public high schools and home study programs within Georgia operating pursuant to O.C.G.A. §20-2-690(c) must submit a MOWR High School/Home Study Program Participation Agreement.


Eligibility Requirements

All high school students attending public or private high schools in Georgia or home school programs operated in accordance with O.C.G.A.§20-2-690(c) can participate in Move on When Ready. There is no residence or citizenship requirement to participate in the program.

Eligible high school students may choose to pursue their high school diploma by:

  • Completing required courses as listed on the Georgia Department of Education Required Course List, including two English, two math, two science, and two social studies courses; the associated end of course tests for each; and one health and physical education course. (These courses are normally taken during the 9th and 10th grade); and
  • Enrolling at an eligible participating postsecondary institution and earning an associate degree, technical diploma, or two certificates in one specific career pathway.

Move on When Ready Students not interested in earning an associate degree, diploma, or two certificates may take any course listed on the Move on When Ready Approved Course Directory. Approved classes may include degree level or non-degree level courses in the five main academic areas (English, math, science, social studies, and foreign language), as well as electives and career, technical, and agricultural offerings. The courses students choose each term must be listed on their Move on When Ready applications and must be approved by their high schools and the postsecondary institutions they will be attending.


Application Process

Students attending an eligible public or private high school or participating in the GAMES Academy or the Advanced Academy of Georgia should complete the Move on When Ready online application. Students attending a home study program must complete the MOWR paper application. The application has three parts:

  • Students and parents complete Part A.
  • High school counselors or home study instructors complete Part B.
  • Postsecondary institutions complete part C.

All three sections of the application must be completed and submitted to the Georgia Student Finance Commission by the first payment due dates as specified in the 2015-2016 Academic Calendar.

In addition to completing the application process established by the Georgia Student Finance Commission, high school students must submit the following information to the high school coordinator at Athens Technical College:

  • Signed application for admission and Recommendation/Agreement to Participate form.
  • Official high school transcripts indicating a minimum grade point average of   2.0 on a 4.0 scale and that the student will be in the 9th through 12th   grade while enrolled in the Move on When Ready program at Athens   Technical College.
  • Completed MOWR permission form with signatures of applicants and parents/guardians.
  • Official COMPASS, ASSET, SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER test scores (see COMPASS Placement Examination).
  • Declaration of Intent (applicable to home-schooled students only).

Applicants must gain regular admission status to participate in the Move on When Read program. Applicants whose test scores place them in learning support coursework are not eligible to participate in MOWR. After gaining admission to Athens Technical College, high school students must complete the New Student Orientation and E-Learning Orientation in order to be eligible to register for their first semester at the college.

Students who meet all eligibility requirements will receive a student-specific award amount to be applied to tuition, mandatory fees, and books; the award is paid directly to the college. Student may incur expenses for course-related fees and supplies required for a particular course. Students are responsible for tuition and fees for courses taken that are not on the MOWR Approved Course Directory and the students' MOWR applications.

Additional information on Move on When Ready is available online.