Withdrawing From Classes
Withdrawing before the 61 Percent Withdrawal Deadline — Students may withdraw from courses without academic penalty during the first 61 percent of the academic term. This date is identified as the last day to withdraw from classes and receive a grade of W in the Grades section on the academic calendar. Students who withdraw from classes on or before this date automatically receive grades of W, which do not affect semester or cumulative grade point averages (see Grading System). Grades of W do affect students' satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes (see Satisfactory Academic Progress). Students who stop attending classes without formally withdrawing from courses risk earning final grades of F, which appear on academic transcripts.
Students withdrawing from classes before the 61 percent withdrawal deadline may complete the withdrawal process through the online student registration system. Directions on how to use registration system to withdraw from classes are available on the college website.
Students can drop all but one class through the online student registration system. To drop the last remaining class, students must email their name, student identification number, and the course registration number (CRN) to registration@athenstech.edu. They must send this email from their @student.athenstech.edu email account. The Registration and Records Office will not process requests when students send the information from any other email account. Students may also complete the withdrawal process in person at the Registration and Records Office on the Athens Campus or the administrative offices on the Elbert County, Greene County, or Walton County campuses. Students should keep copies of their withdrawal forms and emails for their official records.
Students are not eligible for a refund when they withdraw from classes after the third day of the semester. Withdrawing from courses may affect students' satisfactory academic progress and the amount of financial aid they receive for the semester. They also may have to repay a portion of the tuition and fees that financial aid cannot cover because of the withdrawal (see Withdrawing From or Dropping Classes in the section on Financial Aid).
Withdrawing after the 61 Percent Withdrawal Deadline — After the 61% withdrawal deadline, students may withdraw from classes up to the final withdrawal deadline as indicated on the academic calendar. After the 61 percent withdrawal deadline, instructors must assign grades of WP — Withdrawal Passing or WF — Withdrawal Failing (see Grading System). Grades of WP and WF affect students' satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes (see Satisfactory Academic Progress). Grades of WF also affect students' academic standing. Students who stop attending classes without formally withdrawing from courses risk earning final grades of F. Instructors calculate withdrawing students' grades at the point they submit withdrawal forms for instructors to sign, not at the point when students stop attending class. These grades appear on academic transcripts.
Students withdrawing from classes after the 61 percent withdrawal deadline must complete the following steps:
- Obtain a withdrawal form from the Registration and Records Office on the Athens Campus or the administrative offices on the Elbert County, Greene County, or Walton County campuses.
- Complete the form and secure signatures of instructors. Instructors will assign grades of WP if students are passing at the time of withdrawal or grades of WF if students are failing at the time of withdrawal. Grades of WF are calculated in semester grade point averages as grades of F.
- Secure the signature of a financial aid counselor. Withdrawing from courses may affect students' satisfactory academic progress and the amount of financial aid they receive for the semester. Furthermore, they may have to repay a portion of the tuition and fees that financial aid cannot cover because of the withdrawal (see Withdrawing From or Dropping Classes in the section on Financial Aid).
- Sign and submit completed forms to the Office of Registration and Records on the Athens Campus, the Student Affairs Office or the administrative offices on the Elbert County, Greene County, or Walton County campuses. Withdrawal forms without instructor-assigned grades or signatures will not be processed.
- Keep copies of the forms to document the withdrawal.
Students who are physically unable to go to one the campuses may email their requests to withdraw to their instructors. The e-mail must come from students’ @student.athenstech.edu email account. Instructors will email students and copy registration@athenstech.edu to assign the WP or WF.
Final Withdrawal Deadline — The Registration and Records Office will not accept withdrawal forms from students once final exams begin.