Catalog 2021-2022

Grade Discrepancy Policy

Students who receive final course grades they believe are incorrect must first address the matter with their instructors; instructors will review course grades and calculations and determine if grade changes are warranted. Absent extraordinary circumstances, this process should conclude within two weeks of the date final course grades were issued. If students are not satisfied with the decisions of their instructors, they may request in writing for the vice president of academic affairs to review the grades assigned by instructors. They must include in their written requests brief explanations of why they believe the grades issued were incorrect. Absent extraordinary circumstances, students must file written appeals within six weeks from the date final course grades were issued. The vice president of academic affairs will examine the facts to ensure that grades were determined fairly and according to the criteria stated in the course syllabi and will communicate the results of reviews to students and instructors. The decision of the vice president of academic affairs is final.