Catalog 2023-2024

Examples of Academic Dishonesty

The following acts by a student are examples of academically dishonest behavior:


  • Plagiarism — Submission for academic advancement the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of another that are not common knowledge, without appropriate attribution to that other person. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following acts when performed without appropriate attribution:
    • Directly quoting all or part of another person's written or spoken words without quotation marks, as appropriate to the discipline.
    • Paraphrasing all or part of another person's written or spoken words without notes or documentation within the body of the work.
    • Presenting an idea, theory, or formula originated by another person as the original work of the person submitting that work.
    • Repeating information, such as statistics or demographics, which is not common knowledge and which was originally compiled by another person.
    • Purchasing (or receiving in any other manner) a term paper or other assignment that is the work of another person and submitting that term paper or other assignment as the student's own work.
  • Unauthorized assistance — Giving or receiving assistance in connection with any examination or other academic work that has not been authorized by an instructor. During examinations, quizzes, lab work, and similar activities, students are to assume that any assistance (such as books, notes, calculators, and conversations with others) is unauthorized unless it has been specifically authorized by an instructor. Examples of prohibited behavior include, but are not limited to, the following when not authorized:
    • Copying or allowing another to copy answers to an examination.
    • Transmitting or receiving during an examination information that is within the scope of the material to be covered by that examination (including transmission orally, in writing, by sign, electronic signal, or other manner).
    • Giving or receiving answers to an examination scheduled for a later time.
    • Completing for another or allowing another to complete for you all or part of an assignment (such as a paper, exercise, homework assignment, presentation, report, computer application, laboratory experiment, or computation).
    • Submitting a group assignment or allowing that assignment to be submitted representing that the project is the work of all the members of the group when fewer than all of the group members assisted substantially in its preparation.
    • Unauthorized use of a programmable calculator or other electronic device.
  • Lying/Tampering — Giving any false information in connection with the performance of any academic work or in connection with any proceeding under this policy. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Giving false reasons (in advance or after the fact) for failure to complete academic work, including, for example, giving false excuses to an instructor or to any college official for failure to attend an exam or to complete academic work.
    • Falsifying the results of any laboratory or experimental work or fabricating any data or information.
    • Altering any academic work after it has been submitted for academic credit and requesting academic credit for the altered work, unless such alterations are part of an assignment (such as a request of an instructor to revise the academic work).
    • Altering grade, lab, or attendance records. This includes, for example, the forgery of college forms for registration in or withdrawal from a course.
    • Damaging computer equipment (including removable media such as disks, CDs, flash drives) or laboratory equipment in order to alter or prevent the evaluation of academic work, unauthorized use of another's computer password, disrupting the content or accessibility of an Internet site, or impersonating another to obtain computer resources.
    • Giving or encouraging false information or testimony in connection with academic work or any proceeding under this policy. Submitting for academic advancement an item of academic work that has been submitted (even when submitted previously by that student) for credit in another course, unless done pursuant to authorization from the instructor supervising the work or containing fair attribution to the original work.
  • Theft — Stealing, taking, or procuring in any other unauthorized manner (such as by physical removal from an instructor’s office or unauthorized inspection of computerized material) information related to any academic work (such as exams, grade records, forms used in grading, books, papers, computer equipment and data, and laboratory materials and data).
  • Other — Failure by a student to comply with a duty imposed under this policy. Any behavior that constitutes academic dishonesty is prohibited even if it is not specifically listed in the above compilation of examples.