Separation Due to Institutional Circumstances

Separation of a faculty member, whether on tenure or term contract, is also possible as a result of the following circumstances:

  • Demonstrated severe financial exigencies of the College.
  • Significant reduction or discontinuation of the academic program in which the faculty member does most of his or her teaching.

Such circumstances are different from the conditions specified for dismissal for cause and, unlike the latter, do not reflect adversely on the individual’s performance. Consequently the considerations and procedures applicable to dismissal for cause do not apply.

Termination due to either of these circumstances is to be demonstrably bona fide , and to be undertaken only after every reasonable effort has been made to deal with the matter in other ways, including placement of the teacher in another suitable position within the College. If the appointment of a tenured teacher is terminated for either of these reasons, the vacated position is not to be filled for at least two years, unless the previous incumbent has been offered reappointment and declined.