Scholarships and Awards for International Education

In addition to these opportunities, students should be aware that the Department of Foreign Languages and the Campus Christian Center also have funds available for education abroad and international-travel opportunities, dependent upon major and/or focus.

Berea Term Abroad Scholarships

Grants awarded to enable students to spend a term studying abroad.

Bolin Blaine Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to assist a Berea College student with study outside the United States for a minimum period of one month during the junior year. The fund was established in 2004 and named for John Seelye Bolin and Sandra Anne Blaine Bolin in memory of their families and their contributions to Berea College. Both John and Sandra Bolin served as instructors and administrators of Berea College.

Carlisle Keller Macdonald Scholarship

Awarded to students with financial need traveling abroad for the first time.

New Horizons Grants

Awarded to supplement the student’s own financial resources for international study in faculty-led courses, KIIS summer programs, Independent or Team Initiated studies, or Internships.

John D. Scruggs Music International Study Scholarship

Awarded to provide funds to support international summer study of students involved in music.

Emilie Strong Smith Travel Fund

Grants awarded to provide funding for additional travel that is not part of the student’s structured international program. To be used to visit museums, significant cultural events, historical sites, and architecture.

John B. Stephenson Scholarship for Non-Western Study

This scholarship is designed to allow students the opportunity to study in Israel, China, India, Japan, or one of the countries of Africa. The program is open to rising juniors and seniors majoring in any discipline. The experience must earn graduation credit and may be in a structured study program, an Independent Study, a Team Initiated Study, or a service project, for a period of not less than four weeks in duration.