Section 1: Laws, Regulations, and Policies that Govern What You Can Post Online

This section outlines governing regulations that apply to all faculty, staff, and students when posting material online. In some cases, violations could lead to disciplinary action or termination.

1. Protect confidential and proprietary information: Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Berea College students, employees, or alumni. All persons must follow the applicable federal requirements such as FERPA and HIPAA, as well as NAIA regulations. Adhere to all applicable institutional and legal privacy, confidentiality and property policies and laws.

2. Respect copyright and fair use: When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of the College. For guidance, consult the Berea College Intellectual Property Rights Policy.

3. Use Berea College intellectual properties only with permission: No user may establish social networking sites that use the Berea College logo or other intellectual properties such as photography, video, artwork, and publications copyrighted to the College without authorization from the College. It is a violation of social networking site policies to represent an institution without authorization.

4. Disseminating official information: Public Relations and other designated offices are responsible for posting and publishing online official information on behalf of the College. The Employee Handbook includes a related policy for all employees, including students under the section titled “Release of Information to the Public Media.”