Examination Policy

Except for general education core courses in which common evaluation measures have been adopted, the individual faculty member is free to decide what means are most appropriate for assessing student achievement in a course—quizzes scheduled whenever useful, term papers, oral and/or written reports, discussion assignments, course projects, examinations, etc. The instructor may also weight these elements in any fashion that is fair.

The last week of each regular term is an examination period. During this period, the usual daily schedule is not followed. Instead, each course meets once at a designated time for end-of-term examinations. These times are set by the Office of the Registrar, with an attempt to minimize conflicts and testing overloads for students. If a final examination is to be given, it is to be administered at the time specified. Since the Reading Period is intended to allow students to concentrate on preparing for exams, it may not be used for taking exams. In the event highly unusual circumstances seem to justify a change in time, an instructor may ask the Director of Academic Services for permission to reschedule an examination. If the final examination time will not be used for exam administration, then the two-hour period can be used for other course activities.

Students who have more than three exams in a given day or have other extraordinary circumstances may request to have one or more of their exams rescheduled by gaining signatures from the instructors impacted and final approval from the Director of Academic Services.