Consensual Relationship Policy

In their relationships with students, it is expected that faculty and staff members will conduct themselves with the highest level of professionalism. An open, fair, and effective educational environment depends on the respect of all members of the community for the appropriate roles of those who work and learn together. Accordingly, where they have direct and formal professional responsibilities (including, but not limited to teaching, advising, supervising, coaching, and evaluating in any way), faculty and staff members are prohibited from engaging in a consensual relationship (romantic or sexual) with a Berea College student. Even in the absence of such direct and formal responsibilities, consensual relationships between faculty/staff members and students may adversely affect the College’s learning environment and are strongly discouraged.

Approved by the General Faculty Assembly and the Board of Trustees, May, 2011.

Procedures:  See Procedures for Reporting, Investigating, and Hearing Alleged Violations of Certain College Policies.