REL 33000 Religious Upheaval in 16th Century Europe

(GE-Phl-Rel) This course examines the rapid change in religious thought and practice that occurred during the European Reformation, while also placing these developments in the context of the Late Middle Ages by considering how historical events and earlier writings may have influenced those thinkers, what the historic impact of their ideas has been, and how Roman Catholicism responded to the Reformation at the Council of Trent. The course may cover individuals such as Thomas Aquinas, Gabriel Biel, Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, and others.




ENG 17000 or HIS 10000 or three credit hours of philosophy (PHL 10200 or higher) or three credit hours of religion (REL 15000 or higher) or permission of dean.


Fall semester of even numbered years.