Nonprofit Administration Department

Dr. Julie Turner, Chair

Program Description

The nonprofit administration (NPA) program at Lindenwood University is designed to prepare students for leadership positions in youth, social, and community nonprofit organizations. The baccalaureate program is intended to serve a broad spectrum of career paths. Therefore, the major core combines a focus on nonprofit organizations with selected concentrations in a number of different practice settings. Students seeking the major in nonprofit administration will complete 40 credit hours of directed studies in nonprofit leadership and management.

In addition, the student must complete 21 credit hours of coursework at or above the 30000 level from within any departments (from those listed below). Students select the department in which to complete this coursework based upon their area of interest.




American Studies

Christian Ministry Studies

Criminal Justice




Entrepreneurial Studies

Exercise Science


Human Resource Management

International Business



Physical Education

Political Science/Public Administration


Recreation Administration


Sport Management

Social Work

Note: Those students seeking certification with Nonprofit Leadership Alliance must also complete NPA 28900, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Institute.

Early Access to the MA Program in Nonprofit Administration

With approval from the Dean of Human Services and the Provost, students may take up to nine semester hours at the graduate level during their senior year. These hours will count toward the MA in Nonprofit Administration but not toward the bachelor’s degree. A student must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of undergraduate classes each semester that he or she is taking MA credits under this option.

Nonprofit Leadership Alliance

Through its 85 affiliated campus programs, 22 affiliated national nonprofit agencies, and 14 collaborating professional agencies, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance recruits, educates, and places competent professionals in careers with nonprofit youth and human service agencies. Students who complete this nationally recognized Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance are highly regarded candidates for employment with national and local nonprofits as well as for opportunities in the public and private sectors. This certification is open to all students. Students in the Nonprofit Administration degree program may earn this National Certification by adhering to the NPA program guidelines and by attending one Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Management Institute (NPA 28900). It is highly recommended that each student in the NPA program seek this certification. Interested students should contact the director of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Program.