Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is an exceptionally serious offense to oneself and one’s colleagues given that the fabric of a learning community is woven by a bond of trust which assumes that the work to which we affix our names is our own. To act in such a way that compromises this trust is to undermine the contract of good faith on which productive study and the open exchange of ideas is based. Therefore, students wishing to maintain formal membership in the Lindenwood learning community must display the high level of integrity expected of all its members.

According to Lindenwood University Academic Honesty policy, names of students found guilty of cheating, plagiarizing, or deception (including lying) will be sent to the office of the University Associate Provost. A first offense of academic dishonesty may result in a reduced or failing grade on the work/test or failure of the course. Upon a first report of dishonesty, the student is also required to complete an online academic integrity tutorial. A charge for the tutorial will be applied to the student’s Business Office account. For undergraduate students, a second offense will lead to failure of the class, and a third offense will result in expulsion from the university. Graduate students will be expelled after a second offense is reported.

Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Associate Provost, who maintains a confidential record of academic dishonesty reports. These records are accessible only to the Provost and Associate Provost and are not linked to the student’s academic or financial records at the University.