Graduate Marketing Cluster

IBA 55020 Marketing Information and Research

This course examines issues in conducting marketing research and the variety of research techniques available to the researcher. Students will also analyze the sources of information that guide decision making in business settings. Although some topics will be explored through lecture, particular emphasis will be given to case analysis, situational vignettes, and discussion of current events. A project at the end of the course will tie together course concepts and allow students to present a comprehensive marketing research plan.


IBA 55100 Marketing Strategy and Management

This course is an analysis of the dynamics of developing a marketing program: establishing a strategy model for entry, maintenance/ survival, proliferation/ segmentation, exit and re-entry of products and service. Students will study the development of a marketing plan for an organization, budgeting, interfacing with other areas of the organization.


IBA 55200 Issues in Marketing

Current and significant issues in marketing (electronic marketing, direct marketing, interactive services marketing, Internet marketing, green marketing, international marketing, and social media) are examined. The course applies the existing theories and practices in the marketing discipline, and emphasis is given to new and emerging topics in the field.