Capstone and Culminating Project Courses

Note: A grade of “C” or above is required to pass a capstone course.

IBA 48900 Business Administration Capstone

This course examines the decisions required of middle management with respect to problem solving within an organization. Emphasis is given to the contributions of several business disciplines of study, such as marketing, finance, and management to understanding both the internal operations of the organization and the influences of the external environment. Subject matter stressed includes but is not limited to (1) development of organizational planning and strategy, (2) decision making within the framework of a strategy, (3) the planning process, (4) formulation of objectives and policies, and (5) the management of change. A grade of B or better is necessary to pass this course. Testing fee required.


ICJ 48900 Criminal Justice Capstone

This course will tie together the various components of the criminal justice system and allow students to critically examine the justice system as it exists in American society. A substantial research paper and class presentation of the research paper topic is a major component of the course. Additionally, criminal justice practitioners in the areas of policing, corrections, juvenile justice, and the courts will be frequent guest lecturers who will provide students with relevant information on differing roles within the justice system and enlighten the class on trends within their fields.


ICM 48900 Communications Capstone

This course develops advanced presentation skills and business etiquette as it applies in a variety of communications settings that occur in all phases of career and project development. Students are expected to select a project that is important to their intellectual and professional development in the communication field. The course will provide students with experiences to refine and demonstrate competent communications skills and apply appropriate assessment criteria to various presentation styles and formats through all phases of the capstone project.


ICU 48900 Culminating Project

This is an independent study under the supervision of the Faculty Advisor consisting of a written or media production project. The Advisor's permission and a written proposal are required to be eligible for the Culminating Project option.


IHM 48900 Health Management Capstone

This course culminates the undergraduate student's educational experience in becoming a highly effective healthcare Supervisor or Manager and serves to synthesize and integrates the student's educational experience consistency while analyzing the practices and problems confronting today's healthcare managers. Testing fee required.


IHR 48900 Human Resources Capstone

This course provides students with both a foundational review of key human resources management concepts and an emphasis on their alignment with the short and long term goals of the business. The link between strategy and employee performance will be emphasized through case study analysis, group projects, and class presentations and discussion. The HR Capstone will take a strategic perspective that frames human resources interventions with the context of organizational policies and processes that will sustain long term results. Subject matter will include the organizational assessment of business needs, planning and strategy, decision making and sound implementation methods. Testing fee required.


IIT 48900 Information Technology Capstone

As an overview of Information Technologies in general, this course will cover the history and basic design features of computers including the major components of a computer system and the impact of developing technologies on business. Topics will include an overview of hardware, software, operating systems, operating environments, system development methodologies, and emerging technologies. It will also explore concepts of information management and production systems as they apply to Office Automation and problem solving using microcomputer, based solutions.



Completion of all 54 hours in major or permission of the program director.