Late Withdrawals

Late withdrawals will be approved only under extreme, documented circumstances. Requesting a late withdrawal due to a low grade in the class, lack of interest in the subject matter, a different learning style from that of the classroom professor, or a change of major/requirements are not reasons that will be honored.

If a student believes that extraordinary circumstances require withdrawing from a class after the deadline, the student must complete the following steps:

    • Write a letter fully specifying the reasons for the withdrawal.
    • Gather supporting documentation (physical report, court documents, hospital documents, etc.)
    • Meet with the academic advisor for a signature on a Petition for Late Withdrawal.
    • Meet with the dean of the school for a signature on the petition.
    • Submit the signed petition, along with the letter and documentation, to the Associate Provost.  If approved for a late withdrawal, the student will receive either a WP (withdraw passing) or WF (withdraw failing), depending upon the student’s grade at the time of withdrawal.