University Policies

Abuse of Student Portals

Any student who gains unauthorized entrance to another student’s portal, makes changes to another student’s schedule via the student portal, or otherwise tampers with or compromises private or privileged communications will be expelled from Lindenwood University. Additionally, such actions will be brought to the attention of law enforcement officials and may be prosecuted through the legal system.

Campus Tobacco Use

Tobacco use is prohibited in all campus buildings and is restricted to designated areas outside of the buildings.  No smoking is allowed in front of entry doors to buildings unless otherwise indicated by signage. Tobacco includes but is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device.

Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather

Only the President (or, in the President’s absence, the Provost or Associate Provost) has the authority to cancel classes in the event of severe weather. Should weather conditions create potentially hazardous conditions, Lindenwood University will evaluate the situation and take into consideration both the safety of faculty, staff, and students as well as the services that must be provided despite the inclement weather. After this careful evaluation and depending on the hazardous weather conditions (e.g., tornado, snow/ice, etc.), an alert will be sent to students, faculty, and staff via a Rave system text message and Lionmail message, as necessary. This alert will detail the appropriate action required of faculty, staff, and students and will also specify the essential services that must be provided despite the inclement weather. Instructors are expected to schedule a make-up class meeting when evening classes are cancelled due to inclement weather.

In the unlikely event that the normal work and/or class schedule are to be altered, an announcement will be posted on the University’s homepage ( and An announcement will also be distributed via Lionmail and the Rave system. Separate announcements may be made regarding evening classes (those classes starting at or after 4 p.m.).

The University strives to maintain its teaching, research, and service activities in accordance with established schedules and operational demands. To this end, suspension or cancellation of classes due to inclement weather will be avoided whenever possible. Because certain essential functions of the University must be provided at all times, campus operations will not be suspended in the event of severe weather even though classes may be cancelled.

Filing a Grievance

The University has established a number of appeal and grievance procedures (such as the process for appealing the suspension of financial aid).  Once the normal appeal and grievance procedures have been exhausted, students may submit formal written complaints concerning academic matters to the Provost and complaints concerning student services to the Vice President for Student Development.  All other formal written student complaints should be directed to the student ombudsman.

Lindenwood University shares information from students’ formal written complaints with the Higher Learning Commission as part of its normal accrediting process. This information is shared in such a manner as to shield all individual identities of complainants. No letters or documents revealing the identities of individual complaints will be shared without the express written permission of the complainants.

Firearms Policy

No person is permitted to carry firearms or other weapons, either concealed or visible, on Lindenwood property or to any Lindenwood class. The exception to this policy applies only to duly sworn, on-duty law enforcement officers. Off-duty police officers may carry concealed weapons to their Lindenwood classes only if authorized to do so by their employer and the states of Missouri or Illinois.

Recording and Electronic Devices

During classroom instruction and testing, the use of cameras, video, audio taping devices, or any other kinds of  electronic devices (including telephones, Google glasses, and Bluetooth devices) is allowed only after obtaining written permission from the instructor; otherwise, the use of such devices is prohibited.

Electronic devices used for prosthetic or accessibility purposes may be used only after the faculty member has received a signed accommodation letter from the Accessibility Officer.  Any recordings made during class may not be redistributed to anyone not a member of the class without the express written permission of the instructor and all student subjects of the recording.

Recorded video sessions of a class may be used within that class as long as the videos are password-protected. Recordings that involve students cannot be used in future classes. Video sessions of lectures recorded outside of the classroom by the instructor that do not involve students may be used by the instructor in future classes. Students may download electronic course materials for personal use only.

Student Code of Conduct

The School of Accelerated Degree Programs is designed for the working adult. As such, it is assumed that classroom and campus behavior will reflect the professional demeanor that adults demonstrate in a work environment. The following guidelines are designed to remind students of appropriate behaviors expected in the classroom.

  1. Students are expected to give proper respect to faculty, staff members, and fellow students. Exchange of ideas is an integral component of learning, and participants must feel free to share ideas within the classroom setting.
  2. Appropriate language is expected. Language chosen to belittle another person or group or that could be considered hate speech will not be tolerated.
  3. In order to respect students' privacy, individual grades will only be discussed before class, during breaks, of after class, at the discretion of the professor.
  4. All students are to be in the class on time and to stay for the entire class period.
  5. Cell phones and pagers should be set to silent mode during class except for emergency services personnel on call. Text messaging distracts from learning and therefor is not permitted during class.
  6. Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings and is restricted to specific smoking areas outside of the buildings.
  7. With the exception of computer lab courses, food in the classroom is allowed only with permission of the instructor. Students are expected to dispose of any trash that they generate during class.
  8. A hostile environment is not conducive to learning, and students who violate this code of conduct will be referred to the Dean of the School of Accelerated Degree Programs and/or the Provost and may be removed from the cluster and possibly from the University.