Guidelines for Faculty Reappointment

Process of Reappointment

Reappointment of faculty members is part of the shared responsibility of the Institute's administrative leadership, the faculty, and the trustees. At the Institute, consideration of reappointment is one indicator of successful participation in the academic mission. The Provost’s recommendation for reappointment is based on the following criteria:

  • Is there continuing demand in the program for this particular faculty member? 
  • Has the faculty member been successful at meeting the goals of the program and the Institute? 
  • Has the faculty member been recommended by the academic unit for reappointment?

The Provost initiates and coordinates the process of reappointment at the Institute. Faculty reappointment takes place at the same time as the performance review process. The Office of the Provost, with support from the Office of Human Resources, maintains a list of all faculty with terms of their appointments. In December of each academic year, those faculty members whose appointment expires at the conclusion of that academic year are notified by the Office of the Provost, with a copy of the communication to the dean or director.

Faculty members are to be notified of reappointment decisions by the Office of the Provost no later than June 30 of the terminal year of their appointment. If the faculty member at the rank of assistant, associate, or professor is not being recommended for reappointment, she or he will be so informed by the dean or director 12 months before termination for 12-month faculty and 10 months for 10-month faculty. A faculty member at the rank of instructor not recommended for reappointment will be informed by the dean or director three months before termination. Thus, a faculty member who is not being recommended for reappointment shall be notified no later than June 30 of the final year of their appointment. At the time of notification, the faculty member will be reappointed for a final 12 or 10 month period, after which the appointment will terminate.

Steps toward Reappointment:

  1. At each annual review, the faculty member should request feedback from the dean/department chair/director regarding progress toward reappointment to be fully informed of any concerns or opportunities to improve. This discussion should be documented in the Mentor faculty evaluation system.
  2. In the December preceding the end of the faculty member’s appointment period, the Office of the Provost will send her or him notice of the upcoming opportunity for appointment renewal, with a copy to the dean/department chair/director.
  3. No later than January 15 of the final year of the appointment period, the faculty member should let the Office of the Provost know of his or her interest in not being reappointed. Otherwise, the process for reappointment will occur during the faculty evaluation.
  4. Deans and directors may seek input from other sources as they make reappointment decisions. It is expected that the annual review process and the rank and promotion process afford a valid and useful indicator of academic productivity and performance. Results of these two evaluation tools should be used by the dean and director to inform the reappointment decision. Additional factors or measures, set by the school as part of the evaluation, should be constructed so as not to be burdensome to individual faculty members.
  5. By May 1 of the year of the final year of the appointment, the dean or director will make a recommendation to the Provost about the reappointment of each member of the faculty whose appointment period will expire. This recommendation shall be made in the annual evaluation, as follows:
    1. When the recommendation is for reappointment, the dean or director shall:
      1. Indicate the term in years; and
      2. Provide a brief narrative that summarizes any key factors related to the reappointment.
    1. When the recommendation is for non-reappointment, the dean or director shall:
      1. Indicate the rationale for the decision in writing; and
      2. Indicate the decision has been reviewed with the faculty member.
    1. Upon receipt of the recommendation, the Office of the Provost shall:
      1. Communicate the reappointment decision in writing to the candidate, contingent upon final Board approval in the case of five-year reappointments, by August 31.
      2. Inform any candidates not being recommended for reappointment of their rights to appeal.

Term of Reappointment

A faculty member with the rank of professor will receive a reappointment for five years. A faculty member with the rank of associate professor or assistant professor will receive a reappointment for three years. A faculty member with the rank of instructor will receive a reappointment for two years. When a faculty member has served the Institute continuously for five academic years and was hired prior to September 1, 2011, the faculty member may request a change in their term of appointment for up to a five-year term prior to step 5 of the reappointment process. Any appointment greater than a three-year term must be approved by the Board of Trustees.